Skip to 0 minutes and 8 seconds Biology investigates how plants and animals work and interact with the world around us. Biologists ask questions about what they see and carry out experiments to try to answer these questions. From Galen’s anatomical discoveries nearly two thousand years ago to William Harvey’s discovery of double circulation From Mendel’s investigations into the growth of peas and the inheritance of characteristics to the mapping and sequencing of the human genome. This experimentation has led to huge leaps forward in our knowledge and the impact that these developments can have on our everyday lives. Practical activities allow our students to ask their own questions and find out the answers for themselves.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds It allows them to support and consolidate scientific concepts, make sense of new information, and develop transferable investigative skills. Teaching Practical Biology is designed to support the 14-16 curriculum and will illustrate key pedagogical approaches for practical science. To start our journey in week one we will be looking at enzyme focussed practicals and pedagogical discussions on assessment and learning intentions. Week two will focus on the skills involved in using a microscope and the pedagogy behind the development of skill progression. And finally week three will look at how context can be used in microbiology. This course is one of three secondary practical science courses from STEM learning, designed for both new and experienced teachers to enhance student learning through practical work.
Skip to 2 minutes and 8 seconds As a participant on this course you
Skip to 2 minutes and 11 seconds will be able to: gain confidence in teaching and evaluating practical skills in biology, plan for progression and assessment linked to learning intentions in practical work, and collaborate with other teachers and educators to share ideas for teaching practical science. Join us online to develop the way that practical biology is delivered in your classroom to engage, enthuse and inspire your students.