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Worms in the Real World (Stuxnet)

In this video, we will explore an example of worms in the real world. In 2010, Stuxnet caused centrifuges at Natanz, an Iranian nuclear facility, to fail. This is the …

What Is a Virus?

In the video, we will look at viruses. A virus is any type of malicious code or program that alters the way a computer operates. A virus requires user interaction …

Malware in the World and in the Media

This video will consider the actual scope of malware, which is not always accurately portrayed in the media. Malware can range from high levels of sophistication to low levels of …

Vishing Warning Signs

In this video two different Vishing attack examples are discussed, highlighting the red flags to look out for to prevent such attacks. You will be surprised at the lengths attackers …

Defining Vishing

In this video, you will be introduced to Vishing and the main objectives of this type of cybersecurity attack. Vishing (voice phishing) is the fraudulent practice of making phone calls …

Adware in the Real World (Fireball)

In this video, we will take an overview of Fireball, a web browser hijack tool that directs users to other sites. Fireball Infected over 250 million devices in 2017. Typically, …

Smishing Warning Signs

Five different smishing attack examples are discussed in the video, where one even uses humor as a tactic. Take note of what to do to prevent such attacks, especially in …

Defining Smishing

In this video you will be introduced to smishing, focusing on the key objective of this specialized attack and who is at risk. Smishing is the fraudulent practice of sending …

Course Conclusion

Malware is complicated and ever-evolving. Malware today is far more complex than 20 years ago. Although there are many classes of malware, these are increasingly blurred together in modern attacks. …

Whaling Warning Signs

In this video, five different whaling attack examples are discussed, which include high-profile cases that were a near-miss. The video will highlight the tactics that were used and what to …

Defining Whaling

In this video, you will be introduced to whaling, also known as CEO fraud. We will discuss what whaling attackers are trying to accomplish and highlight who is at risk.