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How do Devices Become Infected?

In this video, you will learn how devices typically become infected. It is usually during opportune moments, such as times of panic or requests from authority. Hackers also take advantage …

What are Computer Viruses?

In this video, you will be introduced to computer viruses and why antivirus software is so important. To use antivirus software effectively: keep your antivirus updated download antivirus software from …

Using Tor for Safe Internet Browsing

In this video, you will learn how to use Tor for safe internet browsing. A Tor Browser will: anonymize searches make tracking activity harder circumvent censorship Investigate: What other plugins …

Exploring Useful Browser Add-ons for Firefox

In this video, you will learn about add-ons for Firefox. The browser add-ons for Firefox are: Https Everywhere uBlock Origin Netcraft Extension Firefox Multi-Account Containers Over to you: Install one …

Exploring Useful Browser Plugins for Google Chrome

In this video, you will learn three useful plugins for Google Chrome that will increase your cybersecurity. These browser plugins for Chrome are: Https Everywhere uBlock Origin Netcraft Extension Over …

The Role of Physical Security

In this video, you will learn that without good physical security, cybersecurity can be ineffective. If someone could easily break into your office, for example, then cybersecurity can only take …

Looking at Fake Error Messages

In this video, you will learn how to assess potential fake error messages. Here is a reminder of what to do if you receive a fake error message: remember that …

Download Precautions and Hash Checking

In this video, you will learn best practices for downloading files and how to securely assess them. Here are some tips going forward: always download from trusted sites if a …

The Importance of HTTP Versus HTTPS

In this video, you will learn the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. Remember that HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol while HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. If you …

How to Identify Bots on Twitter

In this video, you will learn how to identify bots on Twitter. Here are some general tips on how to identify whether you are interacting with a bot: do they …

What do Social Engineering Quizzes Collect?

In this video, you will learn about the type of information that social media quizzes collect. Here are some tips going forward: be mindful of what you answer check whether …

Security on Social Media

In this video, you will learn the ways in which social media can be a cybersecurity risk and the types of information that can be collected. After you’ve watched the …


Here is your glossary of terms to help you navigate understanding cybersecurity. You can refer to this glossary at any point throughout the course. D A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack …

Understanding Password Reset Requests

In this section, you will learn about password reset requests. This is primarily geared toward people in the IT industry. So, as an IT professional, chances are you’re going to …