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What is a Good NNT/NNH number?

Prof. Mary Ferrill clarifies when to calculate a NNT/NNH number and what is a good NNT/NNH number in this video. First, there are two major steps to determine when a …

Baseline Risk and Confidence Intervals

Prof. Mary Ferrill demonstrates why baseline risk matters with an example for moderate hypertension (HTN) and mild hypertension. She compares the RR, the RRR, ARR, and NNT for the two …

Objectives for this Lesson and MOA Terms

Prof. Mary Ferrill illustrates the objectives for this lesson, including interpretation of NNT (Number needed to treat) and NNH (Number needed to harm). The purpose of this week is to …

Why did you choose this course?

At the start of this course, we’d like to know why you decided to join and what you hope to learn from this course? If you are studying pharmacy, we …

Summary: Results & Conclusion

In this video, Prof. Mary Ferrill points out the conclusion of this section. First, we are given an example of a drug for weight loss and type 2 diabetes. Again, …

Two keys on assessing alpha and beta errors

In this video, Prof. Mary Ferrill provides us some keys. First, for superiority studies, when P is greater than 0.05, it does not mean that it is equivalent. Besides, secondary …

Steps to Fill Out the Statistical Table

Prof. Mary Ferrill demonstrates the steps of statistical analysis. There are three main steps to use the chart. Firstly, we have to determine the test is dependent or not. Then, …

Results of Assessing Baseline Demographics

Prof. Mary Ferrill illustrates the results of the baseline Demographics in this video. Continuing from the previous video, we need to find the correct data types this time. Mostly, clinical …

Statistical Tests: Dependent and Independent

Prof. Mary Ferrill clarifies the differences between the parametric and nonparametric tests, which are also called distribution-free tests. T tests are very limited in clinical trials. In addition, we can …

Stepwise Approach to Statistical Analysis

Continuing from the previous video, Prof. Mary Ferrill illustrates the idea of assessing the statistical analysis by a power example. Pay attention to the power criteria. We can learn an …

Hypothesis Testing: alpha and beta errors

Prof. Mary Ferrill clarifies how to assess alpha and beta errors in this video. From hypothesis testing, if there are four outcomes, you will have two ways of being correct, …

Introduction: Statistical Application

In this video, Prof. Mary Ferrill first introduces herself and her colleagues who work on this course as well. The goal of these sessions is to provide an understanding of …