In the video, we build on the different viewpoints of quality by introducing you to the eight dimensions of quality – a theory devised by David Garvin (1987). As the …
In the previous step, we identified quality as one of the four elements of customer value, which we’ll now explore further. Quality can be defined from different points of view, …
There are four elements to customer value in logistics, which are: quality, service, cost and time. Let’s look at each element in turn: Quality relates to the functionality, good performance …
We begin this week by focusing on the concept of customer value, as this forms an important part of a successful supply chain strategy. Customer value is related to two …
Welcome to Week 2 of this course in International Logistics: A Beginner’s Guide to Logistics Management. This week, you’ll explore a number of key concepts that define the value, quality …
In the last step, we considered some factors that could influence logistics performance. This step looks at how international logistics performance is officially measured. The Logistics Performance Index (LPI) is …
In this step, we look at the risks and challenges of international logistics. Risks include: Disruptions or geopolitical threats Transport disruptions caused by strikes or natural disasters Geopolitical events – …
There are a number of opportunities and threats associated with globalisation, international trade and logistics. Opportunities include: Easier ways to communicate and collaborate through advanced internet and communication technologies Improved …
The Total Logistics Concept (TLC) is a commonly used term relating to the treatment of all logistic activities, among all partners, as one integrated system. In effect, all decisions at …
Here, we define what we mean by a supply chain and consider its relationship with logistics. In a supply chain, various separate functions are integrated such as transport, warehousing, purchasing, …
So far, we’ve broadly defined logistics, considered its history and examined the important 7Rs – we now delve deeper into the specific activities and elements of logistics. Logistics activities include …
Nowadays, logistics forms a huge part of a country’s economy. If we take the UK as an example, there are 195,000 logistic enterprises and around 2.5 million people working within …
In today’s world, the 7Rs of logistics is key. The 7Rs relate to the following: The right product/service In the right place In the right quantity and right quality In …
In the last step, we considered varying definitions of logistics – but what about its history? Let’s take a look back through time. Click the image to see a larger …
Let’s begin this week by defining what we mean by logistics. You may be familiar with the term from your previous studies or work experience. In this step, we’ll provide …