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How to use FutureLearn

This may be the first course that you have undertaken on FutureLearn, or perhaps it is the first course you have taken online. Don’t worry: the platform is designed to …

My personal coping strategies

Stop and think for a moment about what helps you when you currently feel stressed or anxious, or have a pain or ache? Now take a moment to jot down …

Covid-19 and pregnancy

The start of this course has coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic, which is a worrying time for everyone. Please be assured that, based on existing evidence, pregnant women are no …

Thanks and Goodbye

Congratulations on completing the Journey to Birth course. Thank you for joining us over the past six weeks. We hope that you have found the information useful for your own …

Keeping Positive

While pregnancy can be an exciting time, it can also be a stressful time for some women. In this video, Louise gives some helpful tips on keeping positive during your …

Introduction to Week 6

Welcome back to Week 6 to Journey to Birth. We have arrived at the final week of the course. This week, we are going to give you tips on how …

How to eat healthily for pregnant women

A healthy and balanced diet, combined with regular exercise, can improve your physical and mental wellbeing and can also benefit your baby’s growth and development. How to eat healthily for …

Getting Ready For A Baby

Very soon, your baby will be at home with you. This may be a big life change for you whether this is your 1st or 5th child. You may have …

Introduction to Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of the course, titled “Birthing Your Baby”. This week, we will: Show you some birthing positions Show how to reduce the chances of having damage to …

What is inducing labour?

What is induction of labour? Induction of labour is labour that is started artificially, without your body starting to labour naturally. You may have your labour induced for one of …

Keeping up with planned exercise

This is just a gentle reminder to check on your activity tracker, review how you are doing and see what else you can do to make sure you meet your …

Activity: Practise birthing positions

Earlier this week, you watched a video on birthing positions. Now we want you to practise some of these positions with your birth partner’s help. Start thinking about what else …

Introduction to Week 4

Welcome back! Thank you for all your comments and insights so far. This week, we will look at how labour progresses. We will talk about: How labour progresses The different …