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Week 3 learnings

We hope you had fun whilst playing and discovering two different pre-braille activities with us! You have achieved the following outcomes on how to: Differentiate and understand three types of …

Let’s keep in touch

We propose 8 Live Sessions on the 10th of each month, starting in November. For 45 minutes, we will have the time to meet virtually, discuss, exchange on our own …

How to build a long-term lesson plan?

Let’s combine LEGO Braille Bricks activities to build a long-term lesson plan. Practitioners must propose multiple activities, invent possible variations and adapt teaching methods to appropriately meet students’ needs. Please …

Week 7 learnings

Literacy week is already over! You have achieved the following: Teach braille letters and punctuation signs so that students can learn how to read and write Increase students’ knowledge of …

Watch children

Tao enjoys this activity! It’s interesting to see how carefully he handles the bricks and that he is sorry he accidentally broke the structure! By the way, when Tao places …

Based on prerequisites

Activity prerequisite skills need to be considered prior to lesson plan development. Does the student have the prerequisite skills required to achieve activity completion? A child cannot be asked to …

Discover the three pre-braille categories

The teaching materials are meant as suggestions for getting started with LEGO Braille Bricks. Each activity can be varied in the level of difficulty according to the child’s motivation and …

Watch children

This activity is commonly practiced at schools with sighted children using a pen. They have to draw a line between words to identify each of them. That’s quick to do, …

How do you use LEGO Braille Bricks?

The LEGO Braille website has many different activities to provide a variety of playful ways to learn a specific skill. offers cards with enticing titles for each activity and …


We enter the core of the content and dive into pre-braille activities together. Articles, videos and activities will help us achieve the following learning outcomes: Differentiate and understand three types …


Welcome to your last week-Numeracy! Designed to help your students play with and understand braille numbers, this week’s purpose is to increase numeracy skills. Use LEGO Braille Bricks to assemble …


Discover LEGO Braille Bricks activities which allow your students to assemble characters brick by brick, play with words and develop the ability to read and write. We seek to help …

Week 6 learnings

What a week! You have achieved the following: Discriminate and understand the first braille activities: characters Adapt LEGO Braille Bricks method to promote learning through play into everyday lessons Now …

Watch children

Let’s watch Noah and Elias playing this activity. The goal is to be the first player to complete a fence all around the baseplate. Social interaction is a powerful tool …

Watch children

Playing this braille character activity, children will not only read letters on a brick, they will develop their tracking skills. To play “Musical Letters”, ten LEGO Braille Bricks and ten …