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Reflecting on your professional development

Well done for reaching the final part of the course, where you’ll review your learning and record your professional development. Your course mentors will record their reflections of the course …

Are you learning as part of a group?

We’re aware that some learners take the course together in their own self-organised study groups. If you are taking the course as a pair or in such a group then …

Reflecting on what you are learning

There are a number of activities where you are asked to write down your reflections and thoughts about your experiences of managing behaviour. In this video Becca explains how using …

Q&A session

All online CPD courses from STEM Learning provide an opportunity to ask the educators more detailed questions as part of the course Q&A session. The course educators will record responses …

Risks of inconsistency

Kohn points out in the previous step that rewards can actually have a perverse effect upon the behaviours that we want to encourage. It could be that the use of …

Q&A session

All online CPD courses from STEM Learning provide an opportunity to ask the educators more detailed questions as part of the course Q&A session. The course educators will record responses …

Reflecting on your learning each week

Now is the time to take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learnt this week. In this step we explain how you can use the reflection grid to capture …

Reflect on your learning this week

We have our second question and answer session next week and now is the time to think about what you would like to ask. Look back at what you’ve learnt …


On Tuesday 23 May Becca Knowles, Head of Network at the National STEM Learning Centre, will be responding your questions and extending topics from Weeks 3 and 4. The Q&A2 …

Research and further reading

The debate rages about whether schools should be using extrinsic rewards for students in school. An entertaining read is ‘Punished by Rewards: The trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, …

Recognition Not Reward

This article was first published by Teach Primary Magazine in 2010. You can’t buy students off with material rewards and expect them to sustain good behaviour. Young people like money, …

How do you reward students?

If we understand the rewards that students really want then we are better placed to be able to use them to motivate, cajole and manipulate! It is too easy to …


On Tuesday 9 May Becca Knowles, Head of Network at the National STEM Learning Centre, will be responding your questions and extending topics from Weeks 1 and 2. The Q&A1 …