Skip to 0 minutes and 5 seconds GEMMA TAYLOR: As a teacher, you want your students to share your enthusiasm for your subject. Making you subject real and embedding how the curriculum links to future careers will raise your students’ aspirations and help them connect their learning to their career interests.
Skip to 0 minutes and 26 seconds SPEAKER 1: I think there’s a great opportunity for teachers to find themselves enhancing their lessons and helping young people with their future aspirations. It’s not just an add on or something that’s done by one or two specialists down the corridor somewhere. Everybody’s involved in that process.
Skip to 0 minutes and 43 seconds GEMMA TAYLOR: In this course, you will draw upon examples of effective careers learning, discover curriculum-linked careers resources, and hear from teachers who have embedded careers learning in their teaching.
Skip to 0 minutes and 54 seconds SPEAKER 2: It’s not redesigning the whole lesson. It’s just putting a spin on that lesson that you’re learning.
Skip to 0 minutes and 59 seconds SPEAKER 3: The value of getting employers to come in is just one word, experience. I teach what is limited, in terms of other careers and other professions. So get the experience in.
Skip to 1 minute and 10 seconds GEMMA TAYLOR: Over four weeks, you will explore your students’ careers needs, make small changes to your teaching, discover the value of working with employers, and support your students in evidencing their careers learning. Throughout the course, you’ll be building a STEM careers learning journey tailored to your subject, your students, and your school or college.
Skip to 1 minute and 29 seconds SPEAKER 4: We’ve put real purpose and context into learning. It’s created a window into the world of work.
Skip to 1 minute and 35 seconds SPEAKER 5: So if you can actually put it in context, pupils are going to relate to it to a higher standard. They’re more likely to actually remember it and get better GCSE marks.
Skip to 1 minute and 43 seconds SPEAKER 6: Students’ enthusiasm does increase.
Skip to 1 minute and 45 seconds SPEAKER 7: It’s a win-win situation.
Skip to 1 minute and 47 seconds GEMMA TAYLOR: Join us online to engage, inspire, and empower your students with a careers rich curriculum.