#FutureLearnAsks community journalism Twitter chat: the highlights
The second #FutureLearnAsks Twitter chat was a lively discussion about Community Journalism, featuring Richard Sambrook from the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University, Emma Meese, Manager of the C4CJ, and Damian Radcliffe, Digital Analyst, Journalist and Researcher.
Topics we covered included the need for community journalists in the first place, advice for those who are just starting out in the area, tips and strategies for growing an audience (including whether it’s appropriate to cover non-local content), and more.
Here are the highlights:
Thanks also to chat contributor Hernan Del Vecchio, who created his own Storify of the event.
To see the conversation in full, you can find it on the #FutureLearnAsks hashtag. And if the discussion has stimulated your interested in Community Journalism, you can join the course now.