Guest post: Sharing adult learning experience and expertise through EPALE
Kathleen Wabrowetz is part of the UK National Support Service (UKNSS) for EPALE – a new pan-European online community for adult learning professionals. The UKNSS promotes the platform to a wide variety of people working in the delivery, design, policy, research and promotion of adult learning across the four UK nations. In this guest post, she discusses EPALE’s work and how you can get involved.
If you have been abroad to teach or undertake research, you’ll know how enriching a different country’s perspective or approach can be on your own professional practice. We can share and learn so much with our neighbours around educational systems and teaching practices. EPALE provides this possibility without even having to leave your desk.
Access EPALE’s tools and features for free
EPALE aims to encompass the whole range of learner groups, learning environments and adult learning sectors. Everyone working with adult learners can join the EPALE community for free and engage with their counterparts across Europe. EPALE offers a variety of tools and features:
- Resource centre: adult learning resources from 30 countries and in 24 languages, including case studies, teaching materials, good practice guides and policy papers.
- Event calendar: including conferences, webinars and training courses.
- News: highlighting current developments in the adult education sector across Europe.
- Blog posts: on a range of topics and with guest bloggers. Examples include “Teaching within an online environment” and “From community development to basic skills.”
EPALE’s five themes encourage idea exchange and debate
EPALE is initiated and funded by the European Commission and designed with the needs of adult learning professionals in mind. A consultation with potential adult learning professionals informed the five key themes that form the basis of the ePlatform. All EPALE content is structured around these five themes:
EPALE offers a place for everyone who wants to inform, exchange and debate adult learning policies, news, innovative practices or successful projects. After creating a user profile, you can add and share your views and materials with the community. You can contribute to online discussions and blog about your personal experiences.
EPALE can also help you to connect organisations through the Partner Search Tool. This function can help organisations find European partners for joint projects, staff exchanges or events.
You can propose an idea for a collaborative project to the community; add a partner request; or just register your organisation’s particular skills and areas of practice, to promote your work to others.
To find out more, visit EPALE now and register to join the community.