Glossary of the course
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1-9
- AARNet [4.18], [4.19]
- address resolution [3.02]
- ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) [2.13]
- AFRINIC (The African Network Information Centre) [4.08]
- AI3 (Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives/read: ei-triple-ai) [4.19]
- Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript + XML) [3.06]
- ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee) [4.12]
- AlterNet [1.06], [4.18]
- Anonymous FTP [3.04], [3.05]
- APAN-JP [4.18]
- APNIC (Asia-Pacific Network Information Center) [4.07], [4.08]
- APOnet [4.19]
- APRICOT (the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies) [4.07]
- Arctic Fiber (now Quintillion Subsea Holdings LLC) [4.19]
- ARENA-PAC [4.19]
- ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) [4.08]
- ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency) [1.06]
- ARPANET [1.06], [1.18], [3.04], [4.03], [4.08], [4.13], [4.17], [4.19]
- Arteria Networks [4.19]
- AS (Autonomous System) [1.20], [4.07], [4.08]
- ASCAP [3.14]
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) [1.08], [4.04]
- ASO (Address Supporting Organization) [4.12]
- AT&T [1.10]
- AT&T Jens [1.06]
- AUP(Acceptable Use Policies) [4.18]
- authentication [3.12]
- Bell Laboratories [1.06], [1.10]
- BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) [1.20]
- big data [3.21], [3.22]
- Big5 [4.04]
- Bill Joy [1.06], [4.04]
- BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) [1.16]
- bit [1.07], [1.09], [1.10], [1.13], [1.14]
- bit rate [1.09], [1.11]
- BITNET [4.17]
- blockchain [1.23], [3.13]
- Bob Kahn [4.12]
- bps (bits per second) [1.07], [1.09]
- BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) [1.06], [4.17]
- BSD UNIX [4.04]
- byte [1.07]
- CA (certificate authority) [3.10]
- cache [3.11]
- CAE-1 [4.19]
- Caesar cipher [1.12]
- CANARIE (the Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry, and Education) [4.18]
- CCD (charge coupled device) [1.10]
- CCIRN (Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking) [4.18]
- ccNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organizations) [4.12]
- ccTLD (country code TLD) [1.15]
- CDN (Content Delivery Network) [3.12], [3.15]
- CENIC [4.18]
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface) [3.06]
- character code [1.08]
- character encoding conversion [2.02]
- Cinia [4.19]
- circuit switching / line switching [1.18], [2.06], [2.07]
- client-server model [3.02], [3.03], [3.04], [3.05], [3.11], [3.23]
- Cloud [3.17], [3.18], [3.22]
- Cloud Computing [3.18], [3.19], [3.20]
- coaxial cable [1.04]
- compression [2.02], [3.14]
- congestion [3.11]
- Creative Commons license [1.11]
- CSI (Chugoku-Shikoku Internet Council) [4.17]
- CSNET [4.17]
- CSP (Certification Practice Statment) [3.10]
- CSRG [1.06]
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) [3.06], [4.04]
- DARPA [1.06]
- data gram [2.01], [2.05]
- David Conrad [4.07]
- David D. Clark [4.03]
- David J. Farber [4.13], [4.17]
- de facto standards [4.02], [4.03]
- de jure standards [4.02]
- DECNet [4.17]
- decoding [1.08]
- default route [1.19]
- Dennis Ritchie [4.04]
- Digital certificates [3.10]
- Digital signatures [3.09], [3.10]
- Digital transformation [4.21]
- DNS (Domain Name System) [1.16], [1.17], [3.02], [3.04], [3.11], [4.11], [4.12]
- DoE (Department of Energy) [4.17]
- domain [1.15], [4.08], [4.09], [4.11]
- domain name [1.14], [1.15], [1.16], [1.23]
- Dubbing 10 [1.11]
- DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) [2.14]
- Dynamic Port (also called private ports or ephemeral ports) [3.02]
- dynamic routing [1.19]
- EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) [1.20]
- encapsulation technology [3.12]
- encoding [1.08], [1.09], [1.10]
- encryption [1.12], [2.02], [2.19]
- Encryption technology [3.12]
- end system [3.02], [3.06], [3.14]
- end-to-end communication [3.19]
- Ethernet [1.04]
- EUC code [4.04]
- FDN [4.19]
- Flow Control [2.11]
- FNF (Far North Fiber) [4.19]
- Folder@home [3.21]
- fps (frames per second) [1.11]
- frame rate [1.11]
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol) [3.02], [3.04], [3.05], [3.07]
- FTTH (Fiber To The Home) [2.13]
- GAC (Governmental Advisory Committee) [4.12]
- GB2312 [4.04]
- GÉANT [4.18], [4.19]
- GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) [1.10]
- global IP address [1.13]
- GNSO (Generic Names Supporting Organizations) [4.12]
- Gopher (The Internet Gopher Protocol) [3.04]
- grid computing [3.21]
- gTLD (generic TLD) [1.15]
- HEPnet-J [4.18]
- high-resolution audio [1.09]
- HTML [3.05], [3.06], [3.11]
- HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) [3.02], [3.05]
- HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) [3.05], [3.08]
- IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) [3.20]
- IAB (Internet Architecture Board) [4.13], [4.22]
- IAHC (International Ad Hoc Committee) [4.11]
- IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) [3.02], [4.08], [4.11], [4.12]
- IAWN (International Academic NetWorkshop) [4.17]
- ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) [1.15], [1.17], [3.02], [4.08], [4.09], [4.11], [4.12], [4.13]
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) [2.04]
- IEEE (US Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) [2.15], [4.02]
- IEPG (Intercontinental Engineering and Planning Group) [4.18]
- IESG (The Internet Engineering Steering Group) [4.12]
- IETF(the Internet Engineering Task Force) [2.03], [3.07], [4.02], [4.03], [4.11], [4.12], [4.13], [4.17]
- IGF (Internet Governance Forum) [4.12], [4.14]
- IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) [1.20]
- IIJ [1.06], [4.18]
- IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) [3.04], [3.18]
- Internet protocol stack [2.03]
- IoT (Internet of Things) [1.14], [2.19]
- IP (Internet Protocol) [1.06], [1.13], [1.14], [1.18], [1.19], [1.23], [2.01], [2.02], [2.03], [2.04], [2.05], [2.06], [2.07], [2.09], [2.10], [2.11], [2.12], [2.13], [2.15], [2.19], [3.02], [4.11]
- IP address [1.13], [1.14], [1.15], [1.16], [1.17], [1.20], [1.23], [2.04], [2.05], [2.10], [3.02], [3.03], [3.22], [3.23], [4.08]
- IP Anycast [3.11], [3.15]
- IP layer [2.05], [2.07], [2.09], [2.10]
- IP multicast [3.15]
- IP packet [1.18], [1.19], [3.16]
- IP telephony [3.16]
- IPv4 [1.13], [1.14], [2.04], [3.12], [4.08]
- IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) [1.14], [3.12], [4.08]
- IRTF (Internet Research Task Force) [4.12]
- ISC (Internet System Consortium) [1.16], [1.17]
- ISM band (Industrial Scientific and Medical band) [2.15]
- ISO(the International Organization for Standardization) [1.08], [1.15], [2.03], [4.02], [4.03], [4.04]
- ISOC (Internet Society) [4.11], [4.13]
- ISP (Internet service provider) [1.05], [1.06], [1.13], [1.19], [1.20], [1.23], [2.14], [4.07], [4.08], [4.16], [4.19]
- ITU-T [2.03]
- ITU-U [2.03]
- ITU(the International Telecommunication Union) [2.15], [3.10], [4.02], [4.13], [4.14]
- IX (Internet Exchange) [1.05], [4.07], [4.18]
- JANET [4.17]
- JANOG (JApan Network Operators’ Group) [4.07]
- Javascript [3.06]
- JGN (Japan Gigabit Network) [4.17], [4.18]
- JIS [1.08]
- JIS code [4.04]
- JISC(Japanese Industrial Standards Committee) [4.02]
- jitter value [3.14]
- Jonathan Bruce Postel [4.08]
- JPEG [1.10]
- JPNIC (Japan Network Information Center) [4.08]
- JPRS (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.) [4.09]
- JUNET (Japan Unix Network) [1.06], [4.17], [4.22]
- LACNIC (Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry) [4.08]
- LAN (Local Area Network) [1.04], [1.06], [1.13], [1.18], [1.19], [1.20], [2.02], [2.15], [2.16], [3.12], [4.02]
- Latin-1 [4.04]
- Lawrence Landweber/Larry Landwever [4.13], [4.17]
- Linux [1.06]
- loop [1.19]
- MAFFIN (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries research Network) [4.18]
- Mbone [3.15]
- MEXT (Ministry of Research and Education Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) [4.18]
- Mobile IP [3.12]
- modem [2.13]
- Moore’s law [3.06]
- MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer-3) [1.09], [1.11]
- MPEG [1.11]
- Multistakeholder model [4.12]
- name resolution [1.16], [1.17]
- name server [1.16]
- NANOG (The North American Network Operator’s Group) [4.07]
- NAOJ network (the network of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) [4.18]
- National Center for Scientific Information and Technology (currently, the National Institute of Informatics (NII)) [4.18]
- NCP (Network Control Program) [1.06]
- NCSA Mosaic [3.05]
- Netscape Navigator [3.06]
- network architectures [2.01], [2.02]
- Network News [3.04]
- network standardization [2.01], [2.03]
- NFT (Non-Fungible Token) [1.11]
- NIC (Network Information Center) [4.08]
- NICT (the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) [4.17], [4.18]
- NIFTY-Serve [1.06]
- NIR (National Internet Registries) [4.08], [4.12]
- NOG (Network Operators’ Groups) [4.07]
- NomCom (Nominating Committee) [4.12]
- NORDUnet [4.19]
- NORTH (Network Organization for Research adn Technology in Hokkaido) [4.17]
- NREN [4.18], [4.19]
- NRO (Number Resrouce Organization) [4.08]
- NSF (National Science Foundation) [4.13], [4.17], [4.19]
- NSFNET [4.17]
- octet [1.14]
- ONU (Optical Network Unit) [1.04]
- OS (operating system) [1.06], [1.08]
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) [1.19], [1.20]
- OSS (open source software) [1.06]
- overlay network [3.12], [3.15]
- P2P (Peer to Peer) networks [3.13]
- PaaS (Platform as a Service) [3.20]
- PACCOM (PACific COMmunications network) [4.17]
- Pacific Wave [4.18]
- packet drops [3.14]
- packet loss [2.11], [3.14]
- packet switching [1.06], [1.18], [1.19], [1.23], [2.06]
- Peering [4.07]
- PGP [4.21]
- PIR (Public Interest Registry) [4.12]
- PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) [3.10]
- PNG (Portable Network Graphics) [1.10]
- policy-based routing [1.20]
- POP (Post Office Protocol) [3.04]
- port number [2.05], [2.10], [3.02], [3.03], [3.23]
- private IP address [1.13], [1.14]
- protocol [1.02], [1.03], [1.06], [1.13], [1.16], [1.23], [2.01], [2.02], [2.03], [2.04], [2.05], [2.06], [2.07], [2.09], [2.10], [3.14], [4.02], [4.03], [4.08], [4.11]
- protocol number [2.04]
- proxy server [3.11]
- PSINET [1.06]
- PTI (Public Technical Identifiers) [4.08]
- Public key cryptography [3.08], [3.09], [3.23]
- radio frequency allocation [4.02]
- RALO (Regional At-Large Organizations) [4.12]
- Registrar [4.09], [4.12]
- Registry [4.09], [4.12]
- REN [4.16], [4.17], [4.18], [4.19]
- resolver [1.16]
- Retransmission Control [2.11]
- RFC (Request For Comment) [2.03], [3.04], [4.03], [4.22]
- RGB [1.10]
- RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre) [1.17], [4.08]
- RIR (Regional Internet Registries) [4.08], [4.12]
- RJ (Registered Jack) [1.04]
- Robert Melancton Metcalfe [1.04]
- root domain [1.15]
- root name server [1.16], [1.17], [4.10]
- Root Server System [4.12]
- Root Zone management [4.12]
- route [1.19]
- router [1.03], [1.04], [1.13], [1.18], [1.19], [1.20], [2.02], [2.04]
- routing control [1.19], [1.20]
- routing table [1.19], [1.20]
- RSA cryptosystem [3.08], [3.09]
- RSSAC (Root Server System Advisory Committee) [4.12]
- RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) [3.14]
- SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) [3.20]
- sampling [1.09], [1.10]
- SATNET [4.19]
- sequence Control [2.11]
- sequence number [2.06], [2.10]
- SETI@home [3.21]
- SFTP [3.08]
- Shift-JIS code [4.04]
- SINET (Science Information Network) [4.18]
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) [3.16]
- SLA (Service Level Agreement) [3.19]
- SLD (Second Level Domain) [1.15]
- Smart Grid [1.20]
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) [2.03], [3.02], [3.04], [3.18]
- SNA (Systems Network Architecture) [2.01]
- SO (Supporting Organizations) [4.12]
- SOI Asia (School on the Internet Asia) [4.19]
- SPF (Shortest Path First) [1.19]
- SSAC (Security and Stability Advisory Committee) [4.12]
- SSH (Secure Shell Protocol) [3.02]
- static routing [1.19]
- SUNET (MHSnet) [4.17]
- SURFnet (Samenwerkende Universitaire Reken Faciliteiten; English: Co-operative University Computing Facilities) [4.18]
- switch [1.03], [1.04], [2.02]
- Symmetric key cryptography [3.08]
- symmetric peering [1.05]
- SYN packet [2.07], [2.10]
- System Port numbers [3.02]
- TCP (Transport Control Protocol) [1.06], [1.19], [2.03], [2.04], [2.05], [2.06], [2.07], [2.09], [2.10], [2.11], [2.12], [3.02], [3.03], [3.14]
- TCP/IP [1.06], [1.23], [2.02], [2.03], [2.04], [2.05], [2.10], [2.13], [3.04], [3.08], [3.23], [4.02], [4.03], [4.13]
- Ted Nelson [3.05]
- TELNET [3.02]
- the C programming language [4.04]
- Theodor Holm Nelson [3.05]
- Tim Berners-Lee [3.05], [3.06], [4.14]
- TLD (Top Level Domain) [1.15], [1.17], [4.09], [4.11], [4.12], [4.13]
- TLS (Transport Layer Secure) [3.10]
- Transit [4.07]
- TTL (Time to Live) [1.19], [2.04]
- TTS (Time Sharing System) [3.07]
- tunneling [3.12], [3.15]
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol) [2.03], [2.04], [2.05], [2.06], [2.07], [3.02], [3.14]
- Unicast [3.11], [3.15]
- Unicode [1.08], [4.04]
- UNIX [1.06], [1.08], [3.04], [3.07], [4.04], [4.17], [4.21]
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) [3.04]
- USENET [3.04], [4.17]
- user ports [3.02]
- UTP cable [1.04]
- UUCP (Unix-to-Unix copy) [1.06], [3.04], [4.17], [4.18]
- UUNET [1.06], [4.18]
- Verisign [1.17], [4.09]
- Vint Cerf [4.12], [4.13]
- Virtual Circuit [2.06], [2.10], [2.11], [3.02]
- VoIP (Voice Over IP) [2.13], [3.16]
- VPN (Virtual Private Network) [3.12]
- W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) [4.02], [4.13]
- WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) [2.14]
- Web crawling [3.22]
- Web2.0 [3.06]
- WebSocket [3.06]
- well-known port numbers [3.02]
- WGIG (Working Group on Internet Governance) [4.14]
- WHATWG [4.02]
- Wi-Fi [1.04], [1.06], [1.23], [2.15] [2.16]
- WIDE Interent [4.17], [4.18]
- WIDE Project [1.17], [4.18], [4.19]
- WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) [4.11]
- WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) [4.14]
- www (World Wide Web) [1.06], [1.15], [3.02], [3.04], [3.05], [3.06], [3.08], [4.02], [4.03]
- zombie packet [1.19]
- 6bone [3.12]
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