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Identifying large or open wounds

Large wounds will usually require suturing to close. The type of closure will depend on the severity and location of the wound. If the edges of the wound are irregular, …

How to approach sick and injured animals

Injured animals are unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Always consider this when planning your approach. Never approach a horse, even one you know is usually friendly, from behind. While scruffing is …

Identifying shock in animals

Shock is not just a psychological state after a trauma, but in the veterinary context refers to the body’s response to severe pathological processes occurring in the body. In essence, …

What to do if an animal is not responding

R (Response) Check whether the animal responds to you. At first, this would be simply talking to them, ensuring you are approaching from an angle they can see you from. …

Dealing with stings or bites

Sting / Ant Bite Bee stings are a common cause of injury in dogs and cats. Generally, they get stung on the face if they have been sniffing at the …