Need help? In the comments section below, you can leave any questions you might have about the Week 3 material, and the educators and your fellow learners might be able …
In computer operating systems, an environment is an area that contains information about the behaviour of programs and applications. Linux environment variables are used by applications to get information about …
When you’re writing Bash scripts, you’ll often find that there are repetitive tasks. Instead of copying and pasting the same code to multiple places in your scripts, try using a …
Both for loops and while loops are very similar. Typically, we use for loops where we know exactly how many iterations we need – i.e. they have a definitive start …
The most basic definition of a file in Linux is that it is a named collection of data which appears to the user as a contiguous block of information. Everything …
What are sort and uniq? Ordering and manipulating data in Linux-based text files can be carried out using the sort and uniq utilities. The sort command orders a list of …
Here are some commands you can use to display the file contents This section is focussed on displaying the contents of a file within a terminal window, and in order …
What is a loop? A loop is a construct which allows you to repeatedly execute the same commands. We will be discussing three types of loops: for loops, while loops …
In Linux, as with other operating systems, information is stored in files. As the week progresses, we will look in detail at files and investigate their content, how to create …
For the bioinformatician, the things which make Linux most powerful are the terminal and, within it, the command line. Most Linux distributions come with an array of graphical user interface …
What is the Linux operating system? Linux is an operating system, like Microsoft Windows or Mac OSX (and lately Mac OS 11). An operating system (OS) is a computer program …
Sometimes of conditional logic may be too complex for if statements. In these situations, the issue isn’t that it’s impossible to write the logic as nested if statements, but that …
In the previous step, we looked at conditional expressions, the means by which we can perform comparisons between values of different types. Now, we’re going to make use of those …
For this course, you will first need to download data files that will be used in different exercises throughout the course and to provide a Linux or Linux-like environment of …