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Week 1 Acknowledgements

Many thanks from the course team. Lead Educators: Vanessa Yardley, Simon Croft Coordination: Markela Koniordou Course content production: Markela Koniordou, Vanessa Yardley Course production: Many people have been involved in …

Summary of Week 1

What have we learned? This week we have introduced the Leishmania parasite and described the disease it can cause. The transmission and spread of VL were explained and the people …

Areas of intervention for VL control

Introducing the concepts and methods used for VL control All interventions that aim to have an impact on disease rely on a number of different activities and processes that can …

Why is it important to control VL?

Visceral leishmaniasis affects people at an individual level but also has a range of impacts at a population or national level[1]. In the following interview, Dr Vikas Aggarwal discusses some …

Risk factors and context

It is important to understand that an increase in VL cases is related to many things. VL is a disease that comes in “epidemic waves”. This is illustrated in the …

Who gets ill?

What factors can drive transmission or make people susceptible to getting infected with visceral leishmaniasis? The graph below summarises some of the risk factors that have been associated with higher …

Learning with us

If this is your first course, please review ‘Using FutureLearn’ for an introduction to learning with FutureLearn. We are delighted that you’ve joined the course and wish you a warm …

What is visceral leishmaniasis?

This step will describe what leishmaniasis is with reference to the parasite life cycle and the disease it can cause. Some commonly-used definitions will be explained. Note Definition of a …