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The case of the Venice Biennale

Watch this video, where Monica Sassatelli, from the University of Bologna, answers the question: “How has the Venice Biennale been affected by the digital revolution?”

The biennialisation of art worlds

Watch this video, where Monica Sassatelli, from the University of Bologna, answers the question: “What is the biennialisation of the art world?” Monica Sassatelli points out two aspects of biennialisation: …

Matchfunding: a citizen-driven cultural policy?

Listen to this interview, where Isabelle de Voldere, from IDEA Consult, answers the question: “What is matchfunding, and how do public organisations use it?” Share your opinion! Isabelle de Voldere …

Crowdfunding in the cultural sector

Listen to this interview, where Isabelle de Voldere, from IDEA Consult, answers the question: “What is crowdfunding, and how is it used in the cultural and creative industries?”

Digital crowdfunding: an alternative for culture?

In the following excerpt, Isabelle De Voldere (IDEA Consult) defines online crowdfunding and argues that it is more than just a source of finance for cultural organisations. Online crowdfunding – …

The challenges of financing culture

Listen to this interview, where Isabelle de Voldere, from IDEA Consult, answers the question: “How has the financing landscape for culture evolved in the last five years?” Share your view! …

Digital tools and cultural diplomacy

Watch this video, where Philip Schlesinger, from the University of Glasgow, answers the question: “How has institutional cultural diplomacy been affected by the digital revolution?” Tell us about your country! …

Cultural policies in the digital age

Watch this video, where Monica Sassatelli, from the University of Bologna, answers the question: “What are the key implications of digital technologies for cultural policies?”

Introducing Week 2

In Week 1, we investigated how the digital revolution has affected the cultural economy. This Week, we will focus on cultural institutions, policies and the art world. The rise of …

Summary of Week 1

Congratulations! You have reached the end of week 1! Let’s recap what we have learned this week. The economic system on which culture relies to generate revenues for cultural producers …

Transmedia and non-fiction

Watch this video, where Matthew Freeman, from the University of Bath Spa, answers the question: “What does transmedia imply for the world of non-fiction?” Share your ideas! Matthew explains that …

What is transmedia?

Watch this video, where Matthew Freeman, from the University of Bath Spa, answers the question: “What is transmedia?” Share your opinion! Matthew freeman explains that the mobilisation of transmedia, which …