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Why you need legal advice

From Hollywood movies we know that “You have the right to remain silent. You have to right to an attorney… If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for …

Governing your platform

Watch as Darcy discusses governing your platform as your Web3 business grows with Professor Sinclair Davidson.

The importance of community

For a Web3 business, community can be everything. Watch Darcy discuss the importance of community with Associate Professor Chris Berg.

Governance in Web3

Governance is a necessity for Web3 projects. In this video, Darcy and Distinguished Professor Jason Potts discuss governance in Web3 as a means of integrating human decision making with frontier …


Airdrops are an important strategic tool for many Web3 projects. They are a way to distribute a project’s native tokens to different addresses, on a set of criteria, to achieve …

Understanding the digital economy

The digital economy represents a fundamental restructuring of what an economy looks like. In this video, Darcy discusses the implications of the digital economy with Distinguished Professor Jason Potts. Watch …

Business structure basics

You probably didn’t start a course in Web3 thinking you’d learn about the basics of business structures. But this information is important. In starting any business, you must actively consider …

Why jurisdictions matter

Web3 public policy is nascent and rapidly evolving. So are the laws that apply to Web3. These laws that are evolving differ geographically. This video discusses why understanding jurisdictions is …


At the centre of many Web3 businesses are pools of collectively-owned digital assets. This is the community treasury of a Web3 project. Many of these treasuries are valued in the …

The road to Web3

In this video, Darcy discusses with Associate Professor Chris Berg, one of the founders of RMIT’s Blockchain Innovation Hub, what Web3 means and how it evolved from previous versions of …

Adjusting ecosystem incentives

Today Web3 businesses are issuing tens of millions of dollars worth of tokens to grow. These ‘ecosystem incentives’, such as liquidity mining rewards, are a major cost as Web3 projects …

Governing in subgroups with tools

Governance structures help Web3 projects to adapt. As Web3 projects grow, they need to evolve those governance structures. One way that Web3 businesses scale governance is through breaking up governance …

Governance controversies in Web3

Governance of Web3 projects is necessary and important because entrepreneurship is neither clear-cut or linear. In only the past few years we have seen many major Web3 governance issues play …

Supply and demand in token economics

Every token economics decision focuses on either the demand side for a token, or the supply side of a token. As described by Florian Strauf: Supply and demand play the …