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The balcony scene

Read this extract from the famous balcony scene, where Juliet is talking about her love for Romeo. Shakespeare’s original version JULIET ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou …

Shakespeare’s language in everyday English

One of Shakespeare’s gifts to the world has been the wonderful idioms and proverbs which he used or invented. In this video, Shaheen describes her experience of preparing to act …

The ambition of Lady Macbeth

In this video, actor Shaheen Khan talks about the ambition of Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth desperately wants power, so she makes her husband, Macbeth, want the same thing. And ultimately, …

The story of Romeo and Juliet

Watch the video and listen to actor Jade Anouka tell the story of Romeo and Juliet. As you watch, make notes. What do you learn about: The Montagues The Capulets …