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Typing Norwegian letters on your computer

How do you type Norwegian letters if you don’t have a Norwegian computer keyboard? Many of you may be using a computer with a keyboard in either your mother tongue …

Grammar notes

Welcome back to our “Grammar notes” step. New course, new grammar… But first, we start by repeating and expanding on something we already mentioned in Course 1 ADVERBS Movement/stationary Some …


Yellow, black, big, short, expensive, cheap, young, old… you name it! Simple or elaborate, the world of adjectives is virtually infinite as is the ability to create new words. In …

Demonstrative Pronouns: Introduction

Demonstrative pronouns specify objects as well as distance to the objects. Denne and den is used with singular masculine and feminine nouns. Dette and det is used with singular neuter …

Reflexive pronouns and reflexive verbs

What are Reflexive pronouns and how do you use them in the Norwegian Language? Perhaps you don’t have this language feature in your mother tongue or maybe your reflexive pronouns …

Dina: To nye venninner

Dina kommer hjem. Hun har med seg to jenter. Dina: Mamma, jeg har med meg to venninner. Jeg skal vise dem rommet. Mamma: Så fint! Hei, jeg er mammaen til …

Cecilie: I butikken

Cecilie og Alex er i butikken. De skal ha brød, melk, pålegg, frukt, grønnsaker, kjøtt og fisk. Det er en stor butikk. Først går Cecilie og Alex til grønnsakene. Cecilie: …

Ben: Fotball

Ben er på jobb. Klokka er tolv, og nå er det lunsj. Han ser ut gjennom vinduet. Det er fint vær ute. Sola skinner fra en klar himmel. Han går …

Alex: Katten

Alex og mamma kommer hjem. På trappa utenfor huset sitter en søt katt. Katten ser på dem. Alex vil klappe den. Mamma: Kom inn, Alex! Vi skal spise. Alex: Katten …

Læringsmål denne uken

During the first week, we are going to continue to expand our vocabulary with the aim of improving our skills to communicate with our friends in Norwegian. If you haven’t …

What’s your opinion?

We hope that you enjoyed this second course in the series LearnNoW – Norwegian for beginners A1-A2. The third and final course will come up soon. Meanwhile, keep up the …

Subordinate clauses

Word order in another language is not always easy to grasp. Generally, we unconsciously tend to transfer language patterns from our mother tongue to the new language, and that’s when …

Grammar notes

Welcome to our last “Grammar Notes” step! Because this is the last week on the course, we wanted to summarize the most important features of the Norwegian language that you …

Pronunciation – Reductions

In Course 1 you read about «silent letters», i.e. consonants that are written, but do not represent a sound. In some cases, also the humble vowel «e» is written, but …

Future tense

Many doors into the future… Which door should I open? Well, in Norwegian that depends on your intentions today. Remember? In Course 1 we learnt that the Future tense can …