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Anatomy and physiology of the large bowel

The large bowel starts at the ileocaecal junction and extends down to the anus. It consists of the caecum, colon, rectum and anus or anal canal. Figure 4.1: Anatomy of …

Functions of the large bowel

There are five main functions of the colon: 1. Storage: the colon stores unabsorbed food residue. The longer the food residue stays in the colon the more water is absorbed, …

Identifying an underactive bladder

Identifying when a person has an underactive bladder is difficult and consequently the condition is often mis-diagnosed. Identifying the symptoms of an hypotonic bladder from other lower urinary tract symptoms …

Bladder outlet obstruction

Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) has very similar presenting symptoms to what we have seen with an underactive detrusor BUT, the causes are very different. Causes of bladder outlet obstruction Bladder …

What is an underactive bladder?

An underactive bladder occurs when there is insufficient power in the detrusor muscle to expel the urine from the bladder when voiding. If there are no contractions, this is known …

Bladder dysfunction associated with Parkinson’s

Bladder problems are not inevitable with Parkinson’s but are common, and become more prevalent as the disease advances. Neurological changes in the area of the brain that controls micturition seem …

Bladder dysfunction after a stroke

Urinary incontinence after stroke affects 40-60% of people following acute stroke which is 60,000 – 90,000 people in UK each year. 44% continue to report urinary incontinence at three months …

Bladder dysfunction with diabetes mellitus

Diabetes can affect the bladder function in a number of different ways: Glycosuria – glucose in the urine can irritate the bladder and cause urgency and frequency Polyuria – passing …

Spinal cord injuries and the bladder

There are two different clinical conditions to consider in relation to spinal cord lesions and bladder function and these are ‘reflex bladder’ and ‘flaccid bladder’. They are determined by the …

Reflex incontinence

In this section, find out how neurological conditions affect bladder dysfunction whether there is partial damage to the nerve pathways or when the spinal cord is totally damaged and reflex …