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Autonomic dysreflexia

Autonomic dysreflexia is a sudden and exaggerated autonomic response to an unpleasant/noxious stimulus. Examples of unpleasant stimuli include: A full rectum Digital stimulation of the rectum during a bowel evacuation …

How Neurological Conditions Affect Bowel Function

The pathophysiology of Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction (NBD) is much the same for spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida, even though the nature of the damage differs. Traumatic spinal …


A rectocele is a type of pelvic organ prolapse which results from a weakening of the pelvic muscles and the loss of the ano-rectal angle. In a rectocele the rectum …

Neurological bowel disease

Damage to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) impacts on the function of the large bowel, the colon, and on the ability to maintain bowel continence. The term …

Anal sphincter and pelvic floor damage

Damage to one or both anal sphincters (internal and/or external) is the most common cause of faecal incontinence in younger people, particularly women after childbirth. Sultan et al (1993)[1], using …

Ano-rectal pathology

Anorectal conditions are common and, if identified during assessment, require referral to a medical practitioner. Common conditions experienced include: Haemorrhoids – vascular structures in the anal canal which, in their …

Common causes of faecal incontinence

Clinician Kate Boyce has many years of experience in continence care. In this video she shares her clinical expertise and sets the scene by talking about the wide-ranging causes of …

Gut motility, stool consistency and diarrhoea

Anyone with normal anal sphincter control could experience episodes of faecal incontinence if they have loose and frequent bowel movements. If they also experience bowel urgency the likelihood of being …

Gastro intestinal Reflexes

The motility of the bowel is regulated and controlled by reflexes which all work together. The two main reflexes are the gastro-colic reflex and the defaecation reflex. Gastro-colic reflex A …

Faecal incontinence

Faecal incontinence can be a more debilitating, isolating and distressing condition than urinary incontinence. It can significantly affect quality of every day life. It is often a hidden problem as …

Physiology of defaecation

In this step we explore the physiology of defaecation including the anal sphincter mechanism, the defaecation process and the implications on both of not having the correct posture on the …

Extrinsic and enteric nervous systems

A person’s gut is controlled by two different nervous systems: the extrinsic nervous system and the enteric nervous system. Extrinsic nervous system The extrinsic nervous system is the nervous system …