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Causes of urinary incontinence

Clinician Fiona Saunders has 20 years of experience in continence care. In this video she shares her clinical expertise and sets the scene for this week by talking about the …

Endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders can affect bladder function and be the cause of urinary incontinence. Some examples of this are: Diabetes Glycosuria glucose in urine Diabetic neuropathy Thyroid imbalance – thyroid imbalances …

Bladder pathologies

Other Bladder pathologies to consider which can affect bladder function and cause urinary incontinence include bladder stones, interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome and radiation cystitis. Bladder stones Bladder stones (urolithiasis) in …


The medication an individual is taking can be the cause of their urinary incontinence as some drugs can disturb bladder function. Medication review is a key part of all continence …

Fluid intake

Low fluid intake results in the urine becoming concentrated. This concentrated urine can cause irritation to the bladder mucosa (urothelium) and cause symptoms of urgency and frequency. Urgency and frequency …

Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can be the cause of urinary incontinence. Find out more about the causes and symptoms. At the onset of the continence problem test the urine …

Constipation and faecal impaction

An impacted bowel presses on the urethra and/or bladder and stretches the pelvic floor. This can result in difficulties emptying the bladder and can cause retention of urine. If a …

What causes stress incontinence?

Stress incontinence can occur in both men and women but is particularly common in women. Damage to the pelvic floor urethral sphincter during pregnancy and childbirth, particularly if the child …

What are transient causes of incontinence?

Transient causes of urinary incontinence include: Urinary tract infection (UTI) — inflammation and toxin release irritate the urothelium causing detrusor overactivity. Faecal impaction — direct pressure on the bladder neck …