Eileen Kennedy
Senior Researcher at UCL Institute of Education with the Future Education team at the RELIEF Centre:
Twitter: @eileenkennedy01
Location London
Dean of Digital Education and Professor of Educational Technology at the University of Leeds. For more information see: https://essl.leeds.ac.uk/education/staff/156/professor-neil-morris
Current: Founder of Coursensu - the learning design platform. Previous: Director of Product (PebblePad). Director of Learning (FutureLearn). Distance Learning Facilitator & Learning Technologist (UCL)
I've had two careers both of which I'm retired from. kindergarten teacher, then after a break to be a Mom. I became a social worker specializing in elder care. I'm so pleased to have found FL.
I'm a professor at The Open University, focused on educational futures, learning analytics, MOOCs, innovating pedagogy & online social learning.
Hi, I'm Jonathan, Head of Core Skills and Learning in Government Skills (Cabinet Office). I've been an L&D professional for 20 years, with 5 years as Head of Learning for the FCO Diplomatic Academy.
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