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The joy of learning design

Learning designers can operate at a number of different levels including at the course, module, topic and activity levels. In this video, Senior Learning Technologist, Emma Hutson and Professor Peter …

The affordances of education technology

Philosphers have had a lot to say about technology. For example, Martin Heidegger (1977) and Karl Jaspers (1951) theorise about technology in the abstract as having demonic agency (like the …

Backward design

The video for Coldplay’s, The Scientist, taken from the 2002 album, A Rush of Blood to the Head, starts at the conclusion before progressing backwards towards the beginning of the …

Regulatory framework

The work of universities takes place within frameworks of guidelines and codes of conduct. These are established and overseen by regulators with responsibility for ensuring high standards of integrity and …

Learning design frameworks

To make more informed decisions about the different dimensions of effective blended and hybrid learning design it can be useful to use a learning design framework. Such frameworks provide practical …

Regulation: blended and hybrid learning

In the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic, The Office for Students (OFS) has published blended learning guidelines for English universities. In Blended Learning and OFS Regulation, the OFS identifies …

Legislative context

According to Bower and Vlachopoulos (2018), learning design frameworks often lack a meaningful focus on the wider context of teaching and learning. This is a major shortcoming given the profound …

Ad-hoc learner personas

In her discussion of ‘learner personas’, Huprich (2019) defines personas as: a fictional character built that models actual users. It’s not a real person; however, it’s built on common characteristics …

Learner personas – Part II

In his second contribution, Nick Rea considers the operational side of learning personas. As you are watching, focus attention on what he says about: the number of personas to use …

Learner personas – Part 1

Watch the University of Nottingham’s Nick Rea introduce the topic of learner personas. As you are listening, focus on how Nick: defines personas explores their historical origins explains the role …


Until now, we have focused on the different dimensions of blended and hybrid learning, identified some key technical skills and started a discussion about learning design models. This week, I …

Future imaginaries

To see a world in a grain of sand. And a heaven in a wildflower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand. And eternity in an hour” – The …

Diana Laurillard

One of the experts that has done most to explore the practical implications of learning theory for teaching in Higher Education is University College London’s (UCL) Professor Diana Laurillard. In …

Using assessment

While in the previous step, we looked at the use of rhetorical strategies to motivate students to engage in asynchronous discussions, here we explore an alternative approach. That’s to say, …