Going through all aspects of this course, the cross-linkages between the different weeks are highlighted in this video. This should help you keep in mind the most important aspects of …
Outcome and impact cannot be measured directly, so we use indicators to get information about the potentials of outcome and impact. A well-designed indicator has a title, a definition, and …
Impact measurement is often said to increase costs while offering little use for improvement. Additionally, small organizations find it difficult to adjust the elaborated methods to their limited resources. But …
The concept of the theory of change is closely linked to the logic framework we already discussed. The basic idea is to describe on a normative level a logical approach …
Are we making a difference? This is a very important question for nonprofits and it is not easy to find a clear answer. The Social Impact Navigator was developed by …
What you can’t measure, you can’t control! This quote is a frequent dogma of management literature and it is especially relevant in hierarchical structures, where you need to have control …
Impact measurement is never art for art’s sake. But how exactly do we learn from the results? And who is involved in this process? In the communication with three major …
We have seen before that transparency, causality, accountability, and acceptance are drivers for the use of impact measurement tools. In this way, we answer the question ‘Why impact measurement?’. Another …
Social Impact Bonds were developed as an answer to public financing deficits. The Social Impact Bond (SIB) is a specific type of the pay-for-success model. It combines private financing with …
This article offers some best practice cases and further information on prerequisites and time horizons of the three types of new financing models: debt/guarantee models, pay for success models, and …
What methods allow us to go beyond traditional funding methods and sources? To answer this question, let us have a look at the core ideas of impact investing. Impact investing …
Choosing the right financial reporting standard depends not only on your activities but also on your constituents. The process of financial accounting is circular. Thus, it is not only about …
How do you plan, manage, and control your financial resources? Let us have a look at the relevant concepts and indicators for practical use. Financial stability and financial capacity are …
Budgeting is the process of operationalization of the financial plan. Depending on the size and activities of the organization, budgeting can vary strongly, but it has to be done in …
Elizabeth Searing is an Assistant Professor at the State University of New York at Albany. In this video excerpt, Searing explains the benefit theory of nonprofit finance and the relation …