In this screencast video you can see how sorting the table lets you explore datasets that have high levels on contamination. Click on the column ‘Hits matching target (%)’ to …
Let’s take a look at the genome assembly of Lucilia cuprina, the Australian sheep blowfly, which infects sheep with a disease called “sheep strike” or “flystrike” BTK plot for Lucilia …
The Tree of Life (TOL) programme at the Wellcome Sanger Institute uses the BTK pipeline and viewer as part of its genome assembly workflow. Contaminants and cobionts (Cobiont: Any organism …
In this video, Sujai explains how to use the Filters menu and the Tables view to display more detailed information about the different taxonomic groups that may be present in …
The BlobToolKit web viewer allows you to make lots of different changes to the display, helping you to analyse the plots and focus on the information most useful to you. …
In this video, Sujai explains the different views of the data you can access from the views submenu. You will learn more about some of these views later in the …
The BTK web interface might look confusing when you first start using it. There are many menu options on the top, and many filters that you can switch on and …
This week you have learned how to use the BlobToolKit webviewer. You should be able to use the menus to change the settings and look at different types of display, …
Square bins When you first open any genome assembly in the BTK viewer, you should see a blob plot that looks like this However, sometimes you see a plot with …
In this step you’ll look at the datasets for all birds with public assembly data available. To start, go to the BTK viewer and click on the “Datasets” top menu …
Where did the BTK viewer plots and analyses come from? The BTK web viewer is only a viewer. Behind the scenes, the BTK pipeline retrieves each genome assembly and the …
So far, you have seen how BTK can be used to explore individual genome assemblies. Sometimes it is necessary to look at many genome assemblies at the same time to …
Until now you’ve looked at all the different parts of the BlobToolKit viewer separately You have learnt about how the Settings, Filters, and the Datasets menus can be used to …
We have created a BTK handbook to help you install the pipeline and run it locally on your own assembly. It can be downloaded as a PDF here. This handbook …