Your course mentors got together for one final video to congratulate you for finishing the course. This video will be uploaded a week following the close of the fourth week …
How to get the most out of the course content Take a look at this short video, which has seven tips from experienced MOOC facilitators about how to make the …
In a change to our programme plan, we are excited to be able to share a conversation with Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, Former President of Ireland and Former …
On 12 December we held a Facebook live broadcast with our educators and practitioners who shared their experience around influence and engagement with you.
We held a Facebook live broadcast where some of our experts and educators shared their insights and answered questions that you sent and posted here. Answering your questions this week …
How do we define policy and policymaking? As we will see in this next section, there are an extremely wide variety of policy concepts and ideas to choose from, and …
These articles are from the online course:
Ideas for a Better World: Leading Change Through Policymaking