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The plate is your canvas

As you can see your plate is your canvas, you should try to create a picture of visual beauty. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different components using textures, flavours, …

The planning stage is key

Being prepared and planning is probably the most important aspect of successful plating. I usually decide what I am going to cook or bake first, then decide how I am …

What do I serve on?

Another frequent question is what shaped plate do you use? Nowadays there are so many shapes of plates that can be used. They are either suited to a theme or …

The traditional plating concept

Once you have decided on your menu and which plate you would like to use for serving, you must then decide on the design of the plate. A very traditional …

Welcome to the Art of Plating

Hi, I am Chef Andy, Executive Chef at the International Culinary Studio and I am your mentor during this short course on The Art of Plating.

Steps to start plating

Once I have my design, I start plating according to the following steps. I first place ingredients, such as mashed potatoes or purees, on the dish before the main “hero” …

Top 10 tips for plating

Well done, we hope you enjoyed plating your main and dessert. So, here are my Top Ten Tips for Plating: Plan your menu. Choose the appropriate plate for serving. Consider …