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Metadata and Persistent Identifiers

To ensure findability of any content on the internet, structured and machine-readable information describing the work is necessary. This information (often also referred to as “data about data”) is called …

Creative Commons Licences in Detail

A central aspect of the open access concept is the re-use of published works. Open content licences are often used for a transparent label of the re-use and editing options …

Publishing in Repositories

What are repositories? Publishing a work that has formerly been published in a closed-access journal, an anthology, or even as a monograph by a publisher is often referred to as …

Benefits of Publishing in Repositories

Benefits of publishing in repositories are in particular: As a rule, authors transfer only simple usage rights to repositories when publishing, which still enables the dissemination of their work on …

Manuscript Versions and Where to Publish them

As previously mentioned, versions of your work are differentiated within the open access discussion. The version you submitted within the publication process to a journal is the version you created …

What Prejudices Against Open Access Exist?

We have talked for 20 years about the importance of modernising the academic publishing system to make research more efficient and fair. Still, there are a lot of misconceptions and …

Introduction to the Legal Framework

The legal framework around open access or open science in general, is complex. The most notable law regarding publishing for Germany is the German Copyright Act (Bundesamt für Justiz 2022), …

Primary Publications in Open Access

Earlier I talked about the current scholarly publishing system and the problem of paying for access to literature. Now we take a closer look at how open access contributes to …

A Brief History of the Open Access Movement

Drastically rising subscription prices led to a poorer supply of scientific literature in the 1990s, as many institutions could no longer afford their previous subscriptions. This so-called serials crisis made …

The Publication Process

As mentioned, the term open access can apply to all kinds of scholarly information, however, this chapter will focus on text publications, which includes journal articles, monographs or contributions to …

Why Do We Need Open Access?

Okay, after hearing these problems, how can open access help to deal with these challenges? I talked a lot about money. The idea behind open access is that access to …

The Current Academic Publishing System

Disseminating and discussing scholarly results are essential components of the research process. The foundation of this discourse is publications. And this is the reason why all forms of publications are …