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Summary of Week 3

This week we ventured into the relatively unfamiliar territory of household theatre and the Sidney writers’ composition of drama, with several of you drawing comparisons to Austen’s depiction of household …

Plot summary of “Love’s Victory”

You have already looked at Venus and Cupid and at one of the songs in from Lady Mary Wroth’s play “Love’s Victory”. This article gives you a sense of the …

Summary of Week 2

Thank you all for your comments on the activities we have covered this week on the Sidneys and love, a theme that has covered poetry and drama. The topic provoked …

Design a costume for Venus or Cupid

Design a costume for Venus and/or Cupid in Wroth’s play. Draw, paint or create a collage of pre-drawn clothes, hairstyles, or create a digital image. You can set your design …

Summary of Week 1

Thank you all for your comments, It is exciting to see so much curiosity about the Sidneys, their writing, and the historical contexts from which they wrote. It is also …

Venus and Cupid – the Gods of Love

How were Venus and Cupid envisaged when the Sidneys were writing? Read this short introduction by Alison Findlay and look at the paintings in the related files below (as pdfs) …

Iphigenia’s speech of self-sacrifice

In this step you will see how Iphigenia responds to the demand on her life. Read through Iphigenia’s speech below in which she willingly embraces the role of sacrifice to …

Additional Resources

We hope you have enjoyed learning about the men and women of the Sidney family, about their writing and family home and church in Penshurst. You can find out more …

Cousins in Love: Penshurst Mount Poems

In this step we will find out how Lady Mary Wroth’s writings about love, including the sonnnets you have just read, are intimately bound up with her real-life romance with …

William Herbert

In this step, we find out more about William Herbert and his writing from Professor Mary Ellen Lamb, who is currently editing his poetry. In addition to his Penshurst Mount …