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What is the PEAK program?

The PEAK Program: Physiotherapy Exercise and Physical Activity for Knee Osteoarthritis. What is the PEAK program? The PEAK program is an evidence-based management program for people with knee osteoarthritis. It …

The PEAK Program learning objectives

Welcome to Week 4 This week we will work through the specific elements of the PEAK program. You will have opportunities to discuss, collaborate and test your understanding. After completion …

The first consultation – 45 minutes

Introduction and setting expectations Outline the aims of the PEAK program physiotherapy consultations, which are to: i) Educate about OA and its best-practice treatment options, so that the participant has …

Follow-up consultations – physical activity

Physical activity program In consultation 2, aim to discuss and agree on a personal physical activity plan for your patient. This involves the following key aspects: Review the patient’s baseline …

Exercise Safety

In this article, you will learn more about exercise safety. Bilateral knee symptoms Many people with knee OA often have bilateral knee symptoms, thus many of the exercises in the …


This is a limited range wireless connection. It’s fast when your device is within the range of your modem and when your device is physically connected to the router/modem. The …

Maximising security of data transmission

No computer or internet connection is ever completely secure or safe. Assume that your system could be hacked in the future and think about how you can mitigate any risk. …

Digital Services Line

A common form of connectivity currently used in private health services and amongst Australian households. The asymmetrical digital services line (ADSL) is more common because the download speed is normally …

Mobile Broadband: 3G, 4G, & 5G

Quality is variable using these connections for videoconferencing. 5G is the quickest but currently limited since it is the most recently introduced. 4G is much faster than 3G, but may …

Fibreoptic Cable (NBN)

This is the method that is used by Australia’s National Broadband Network (NBN). It’s a fast option and is suitable for telehealth video calls. Fibre connections are growing quickly across …

Understanding technology

When conducting a telehealth video consultation, it is vital to understand the technological factors that may affect the quality of your videoconference call. The ideal experience for users is one …

IMPACT Trial – qualitative research findings

Our qualitative research4 showed video consultations were acceptable to both patients and physiotherapists. Patient convenience, flexibility, empowerment to self-manage and positive therapeutic relationships were emphasised by both patients and physiotherapists. …

Common connectivity options

The Australian Communications and Media Authority Communications report 2017–18 revealed that in June 2018 there were 41.7 million internet subscribers. National Broadband Network – related services and mobile internet services …