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Thank you for participating in this short course written by access to higher education tutor Lucy Anacleto from CU Scarborough (CUS). We hope this module has given you a taster …

Stigma, discrimination and mental health

Mental illness stigma has been defined as the ‘devaluing, disgracing, and disfavouring by the general public of individuals with mental illnesses’ (Abdullah and Brown 2011). The consequences of stigmatisation Stigma …

Research into cultural variations

We will now look at some studies on variations of how mental health issues are viewed in different cultures. Why cultural beliefs are so important Attitudes toward mental health vary …

Are mental health issues the product of cultures?

Definitions of mental disorders are also influenced by the fact that there are some disorders that are highly specific to particular cultures. Stress, anxiety and depression The values and stresses …


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is used by clinicians and psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric conditions. It originated in 1952 and has been updated frequently since. The …

How are mental health issues diagnosed?

Whenever a person is diagnosed with a mental health issue, a detailed assessment is conducted to build up an accurate picture of the person’s needs (NHS 2016). The word diagnosis …

The big question

Let’s look again at our big question. Are mental health issues on the increase or are we better at diagnosing them? Your task On the basis of what you learned …

What is ideal mental health?

Abnormality can be defined as a deviation from ideal mental health. The idea of ‘ideal’ mental health is more positive because it moves away from focusing exclusively on mental ‘illness’. …

How can statistics define mental health issues?

What is statistical infrequency and how does this help us to define mental health issues? Researchers can use statistics to determine what is normal and abnormal. Statistical definitions can be drawn …

Failure to function

As you learned in an earlier step, another criterion that has been used to define abnormality is that of ‘failure to function’. What exactly is a failure to function and …

What are social norms?

Unusual behaviour that is different from the norm, or that does not conform to social expectations or demands, is considered when defining abnormality. Abnormality in different cultures Abnormality has sometimes …