Correlation is one of the most basic and common statistical procedures. A correlation is a single number that describes the degree of relationship between two variables. Correlations are statistical measures …
In this video, we will review the underlying logic and inferences behind t-tests and correlation as it relates to social media. The particular example provides an illustrative way of thinking …
Now that we have our data, let’s discuss how we can evaluate it. One form of analysis is the t-test, which assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically …
Google Sheets can be used in many ways to harvest data from social media. It has built-in functions that can be used to create formulas that manipulate data and calculate …
We have already seen that data needs to be sorted, cleaned, and organised in such a way as to allow the analyst to interpret the outcomes. TAGS is a free …
Why use templates? Templates can save a significant amount of time and effort when working with a vast amount of data. They can also make the data analysis process and …
Looking at large amounts of social media data can often be puzzling and overwhelming. What are the right tools to monitor and assess this data and improve social media performance? …
In these three weeks, we have seen how social media analytics is like alchemy, turning something of lesser value (social media data) into something of greater value (business intelligence and …
Natalie White elaborates on how social media has changed over time, how it differs across platforms, and its importance for the future. After watching the video, answer these questions and …
Are data science and social media analytics synonyms or are they different concepts? Social media analytics is a toolkit with many specialised devices. It’s also at the border of several …
After developing a research plan using the social media using the toolkit, it’s now time to look at all the data. In Week 3, we’ll be examining how statistics can …
Social media is invaluable in its ability to generate information about a large audience quickly, frequently, and in focused ways. Whether through formal research for organisations or through spontaneous questions …
What are the different types of digital analytics? Digital analytics deals with vast amounts of data from a variety of sources. Different types of media channels are often used in …
Now that we’ve seen how social media analytics can provide useful information to make better business decisions, we’re looking forward to next week where we’ll be learning more about analytics …