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Week 5 References

Here is the list of references referred to in this week’s content. Please feel free to bookmark any for future reference. Westerterp K. R. 2017. Control of energy expenditure in …

Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss

Pharmacotherapy weight loss may be useful for: assisting with the initial weight loss maintaining weight loss at the end of a very low-calorie diet preventing weight regain Over the years, …

Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

Bariatric surgery is the most efficacious weight loss intervention in individuals with obesity but is only suitable for appropriate patients, i.e. those who have obesity-related complications and who have already …

Clinical guidelines and resources

National Institute of Health National Institute of Health (2013) Managing Overweight and Obesity in Adults: Systematic Evidence Review from the Obesity Expert Panel. G. Gibbons, U.S. Department of Health and …

Exercise for Weight Management

Physical activity and exercise are important for people with chronic disease who have overweight or obesity for several reasons. These include: Increase energy expenditure to assist with weight loss and …

Physical Activity Guidelines

Physical activity recommendations from the Australian Department of Health include: Doing any physical activity is better than doing none. If your patient currently does no physical activity, start by encouraging …

Behaviour change support for weight loss interventions

All guidelines for lifestyle interventions for weight loss include diet, physical activity/exercise and behavioural change support as pillars of treatment. Behaviour change support will be discussed in detail in Week …

How to Reduce Energy Intake

Reducing energy intake via dietary change is the primary component of a weight loss intervention. Diets aiming to reduce energy intake can be divided into three categories defined by the …


Congratulations! You have successfully completed all of the EduWeight: Weight Management for Adult Patients with Chronic Disease. What next? Although you have hopefully increased your knowledge and confidence about how …

Week 6 References

Here is the list of references referred to in this week’s content. Please feel free to bookmark any for future reference. Michie S. et al. 2003. Patient-centredness in chronic illness: …

Resources for clinicians and patients

Resources for clinicians to aid the discussion about weight: The STOP obesity alliance has created a “Why Weight?” guide to discussing weight with patients which some may find a helpful …

Week 5 Learning outcomes

At the completion of this week, learners should be able to: Outline the components of treatment of overweight and obesity Summarise healthy eating recommendations Describe the different types of diets …

Patient Goal Setting Process for Behavioural Change

Goal setting is a key health behaviour change strategy and clinicians are generally confident in goal setting with patients. Through motivational interviewing and discussions with patients, the aim is to …