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Data sharing in a public health emergency

In this video, Dr Ewan Harrinson from Wellcome Sanger Institute and the University of Cambridge guides us through the differences between data sharing routinely and during a public health emergency. …

How to share pathogen genomic data

Dr Euzebiusz Jamrozik from Ethox Centre, United Kingdom shares his experience in ethically using data to improve HIV phylogenetics analysis. Have you been involved in collecting and sharing pathogen data? …

The ethics of data sharing

Coordinated data sharing maximises the utility of data, which is critical for the control of infectious diseases. Data sharing is imperative during pandemics and public health emergencies. For example, many …

Laboratory quality management

In this video, Dr Ana Filipe from MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, United Kingdom and Dr Harper VanSteenhouse from BioClavis Research, United States of America talk about quality …

Why biobanks are important

A biobanking system that collects, stores and archives specimens (e.g. viruses or other pathogens) to facilitate the development of diagnostic tests and evaluate diseases with pandemic potential can be crucial …


Click here to enlarge the image Figure 1 – An interesting-looking graph with incomplete labelling. Source: Hugh Fox III Imagine coming across this interesting-looking graph in Figure 1 above, but …

Transferring knowledge

We invited Prof Christine Carrington from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Emma Hodcroft from the Universities of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland and Dr Richard Orton …


Glossary of less known terms used in this course AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance, which occurs when a microbe or pathogen genome evolves or acquires genes or plasmids that confer resistance to …

Genomics for tuberculosis: impact and challenges

In this video, Dr Andrea Cabibbe from IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy discusses the advantages and challenges of implementing tuberculosis genomics worldwide. Share with the group other benefits …

Communicating with the public

For several years, pathogen genomics has informed public health responses to infectious diseases, as well as the global health response to disease outbreaks and epidemics. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted …

How to prevent misinformation

In this video, Dr Anastasia Koch tells us about her experience working at Eh!woza and building trust within communities to make a real impact in public engagement. Are you involved …

Pathogen monitoring

In this video, our educator Dr Josefina Campos shares her experiences and explains the importance of genomics surveillance to monitor and control pathogen outbreaks. Are you aware of any pathogens …

Working together to build capacity

In this video, Dr Tomas Poklepovich Caride from the National Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, Argentina, tells us what the requirements for efficient pathogen monitoring in a laboratory facility are, …

Journal club: Ghana and the world

In this discussion session, Leigh presents you with a commentary posted on the International Network for Governmental Science Advice website Think about the following questions and discuss them in the …