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Two markets: car buying vs. ride buying

The automotive vehicle properties that make a safer or better machine, and the automation fleet properties that make it less necessary to own a car, and at the same time …

Automobility 1900-2020

The basic, natural conditions and motivations for automobility pre-existed the invention of the automobile. Innovations in machines, energy, and planning during the 20th century expanded and deepened the nature and …

Dangerous Expectations: Robotaxis

How many zero-car families and zero-ownership neighbourhoods would you need to create in order to lower per capita car-ownership in your country by 50%? A common 2016–2018 response to this …

Dangerous Expectations: AV leadership

There is a critical problem with the expectation that the current automotive industry will somehow shift us toward on-demand mobility. These industries cannot lead the transformation from privately owned vehicles …

Automobile vs Automobility

Before we can really understand the way automation could improve a city, we need to recognise a distinction between “automobile” (the vehicle) and “automobility” (the system of using these vehicles). …