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National Action Plans (NAPs) for Dentists

The WHO Global Action Plan advocates multi-sectoral National Action Plans (NAPs) to manage delivery of their agenda to tackle antibiotic resistance, including identifying local, national and regional priorities and assessing …

End of course summary

Congratulations! You have now completed the final week of Tackling Antibiotic Resistance: What Should Dentists Do? In week 1 we introduced antimicrobial resistance and the vital role dentistry plays in …

Meet the Educators

This course was developed by experts in the field. Be sure to follow their profiles so you can keep up to date with their activity throughout the course. Wendy Thompson …

Welcome to the course

Welcome to “Tackling antimicrobial resistance, what should dentists do?” Thank you for joining us! In this video Professor Mahesh Verma introduces the course and the problem of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics …

What is dental antibiotic stewardship?

Dental antibiotic stewardship means optimising prescribing so that dental procedures are delivered whenever possible and antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) are only used when necessary. The concept of ‘stewardship’ is about ‘careful …

How does antibiotic resistance develop and spread?

Systematic misuse and overuse of antibiotics in human medicine and food production has driven the development and spread of antibiotic resistance and consequently put every nation at risk. Resistance occurs …

Working Together to Find Solutions

In this video, Hendrik Donker discusses how a collaborative effort between healthcare professionals and the government is needed to prevent antibiotic resistance. He highlights how human health is interlinked with …

Rising to the challenge

Everyone is vulnerable to antibiotic resistance and everyone has a role in tackling it. Motivated individuals can make a real difference. What will you do? Please use antibiotics responsibly and …

Why is antibiotic resistance a problem?

As antibiotics become increasingly ineffective due to the development and spread of resistant infections, even minor surgeries and routine operations could become high-risk procedures, leading to prolonged illnesses and increased …

End of week 2 summary

Thank you for completing week 2 of the course, we hope you are finding it interesting and useful for your practice. This week we looked in more depth at antibiotic …

You Are a Professional – People Trust You

In this video, Shaun Howe discusses the important role the whole dental team plays in tackling antibiotic resistance. As a dental therapist, Shaun treats infections with procedures, but his scope …