Being prepared for cancer conversations can give us confidence and make discussions more effective. Watch Gill and Gwen talk through some of the things that may be useful when preparing …
Watch Anita share her experiences. From Anita’s story we can see how a conversation can have a significant impact. By using appropriate questions, Anita’s sister encouraged her to recognise that …
Welcome to Week 2 This week we’ll explore barriers that prevent people from taking steps to change their lifestyle or check their health. We’ll examine some ways you can overcome …
People can be reluctant to talk about cancer because they don’t think they have enough information to start a conversation. Some people may be concerned that they won’t know what …
In the previous step we heard what some people think about cancer. We know that there is a lot of fear and misunderstanding about the disease. We’re now going to …
Alex King is a mother, a teaching assistant, a health awareness volunteer with Cancer Research UK and a cancer survivor. Watch Alex explain why talking about cancer is so important. …
These articles are from the online course:
Talking About Cancer: Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Myth-busting