When a patient walks into your office you cannot see their level of health literacy. There are several indicators and red flags that you can be aware of. These were …
Welcome to Week 2! In Week 1 we learned about what health literacy is and considered how people deal with its core components: accessing, understanding, appraising and applying health information. …
In relation to the health professionals’ skills and abilities you may have identified their need to enable Ms Jones to share information about the nature of the mole and its …
At this point you have explored four components found in many definitions of health literacy, each illustrated in one of the four short videos. The themes that have been touched …
During this week we have explored a Universal Precautions approach to health literacy in healthcare environments and person-centred care as complementary ways to mitigate the negative health effects of people …
The components of person-centred care found by Eklund et al. (2019) are also present in the systematic review by Jager et al. (2019). This last one is based on the …
When reviewing the scenarios in the video and the potential outcomes, the lack of attendance at appointments could mean that there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment. A lack …
The video depict three scenarios with different health professionals and patients in various situations. This demonstrates difficulties in accessing hospital services, understanding information provided by health care professionals and applying …
Many factors that can facilitate Mr Bell in gaining access to care are generally in the control of healthcare organisations. An example of this is ensuring healthcare forms are user-friendly …
We will go through each of the 8 forms and explore what makes them easy or difficult for people to use. A) COPD This is an example of a health-literacy-friendly …
This last week we learned about the communication barriers patients might have to deal with and which can lead to worse health outcomes, especially to those with limited health literacy. …
Teach-back can also be tailored to situations where people are asked to use a piece of equipment or use a skill. An example would be a person that has been …
The concept of plain language is relevant to written health information as well, for they should share the same requirements of plain language as interpersonal interactions. Providing information in plain …
Nouri and Rudd (2015) state that the communication between healthcare provider and patient has a major role in the patient’s health, knowledge, decision making and motivation. They conclude that the …
To continue our learning on what person-centred is, let us further review what The Health Foundation, an organisation from the United Kingdom, has to say on the matter: In person-centred …