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The week in review

We’ve deliberately hit you with the theory up front – so congratulations on making it this far into our learning journey together. This week we considered the principles of forensic …

Identifying if the bones are human

It is not always immediately obvious if a discovered bone is human or animal. Or even if it’s a bone. There are a few considerations that can assist. One of …

What Is Archaeology: Principles and Methods

A leading principle of archaeology is stratigraphic sequence – the slow and careful recovery of the different geological layers present at a site. Archaeology is the study of material items …

Forensic principles

Forensics uses a combination of primary identifiers, associated items and antemortem records to identify human remains. When the ancient Romans spoke of ‘forensis’ they were referring to matters that were …

Guide for our investigation

Let’s agree to some basic guidelines for our learning journey together. ARCHE and the School of Environment and Science at Griffith University have created this learning space because we’re committed …