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Welcome to the Course

Welcome to the e-Bug Health Educator Training course, thank you for joining us! This is a three-week course on e-Bug, a free educational resource operated by Public Health England (PHE) …

Spreading Bugs Activities

e-Bug was developed for use in schools pre-COVID-19 and so some activities may require modification based on your school’s distancing guidelines. Please use your judgement and tell us how you …

Protecting Bug Buster activities

e-Bug was developed for use in schools pre-COVID-19 and so some activities may require modification based on your school’s distancing guidelines. Please use your judgement and tell us how you …

Background: Using antibiotics responsibly

Links to activities: antibiotics scenarios. Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them puts you and your family at risk. To help keep antibiotics working you are urged to always take …

Bug Busters activities

e-Bug was developed for use in schools pre-COVID-19 and so some activities may require modification based on your school’s distancing guidelines. Please use your judgement and tell us how you …

Background: What is antimicrobial resistance?

Links to activities: comic strip, bacterial resistance, antibiotic awareness and colour change, and debate kits. Antimicrobials are medicines that help your body fight infection by killing microbes including bacteria (antibiotic …

Background: What is the immune system?

Links to activities: comic strip, Professor Helix videos, and vaccinations activity. Immunity is the body’s ability to protect itself from infections. Our body is extremely efficient at keeping us healthy …

Summary of week 2

Thank you for completing week two of the e-Bug Health Educator course. This week we covered food hygiene and oral hygiene, including how to prevent foodborne illness by washing hands …

Mouth bug activities

e-Bug was developed for use in schools pre-COVID-19 and so some activities may require modification based on your school’s distancing guidelines. Please use your judgement and tell us how you …

Background: Limiting tooth decay

Links to activities: healthy oral hygiene and healthy diet: how much sugar is in your drinks. Tooth decay can be prevented by limiting the number of times we consume foods …

Background: “Sugar attacks”

Links to activities: healthy oral hygiene and healthy diet: how much sugar is in your drinks. A “sugar attack” to our teeth occurs when we consume sugary foods and drinks …