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Congratulations! (Félicitations !)

You now have completed the two-week taster course Ça va ? We hope you enjoyed this course and got to know the other participants well. By taking this course, you …


David greets Zoé Listen When meeting When leaving 5h00 => 18h00 BonjourSalut* (Informal) 5h00 => 18h00Au revoir Salut* 18h00 => 5h00 Bonsoir Salut* 18h00 => 5h00 Bonsoir Salut* Question Answer …

Reading comprehension: an article

Read the article from the French Society Gazette. It is about George, one of the designers of this course. Read it out loud Then Listen: to check your reading skills …

Alphabet and pronunciation

In this video, we will learn how to pronunce the letters of the alphabet and the vowel E with 2 different accents: É and È. We will have time to …

Bienvenue dans le cours de français !

Welcome to the course! This is your first step (1.1). (Bienvenue dans le cours !) Note that in French the following punctation markers ( ! ? : ) have a …

Grammar – Prepositions with cities/countries

In French, prepositions with countries and cities are going to change according to the rules below: for cities/towns/villages, use à: J’habite à Londres. (I live in London.) for feminine countries …

VOCABULARY – Jobs and workplaces

In French, professions have to change with the gender (masculine or feminine). Read the table below, and listen to the pronunciation Masculin Féminin étudiant étudiante serveur serveuse vendeur vendeuse facteur …

‘Vous’ or ‘Toi’ ?

Using TOI or VOUS is a matter of etiquette. It defines the relationship between two people. Use of the informal forms TOI or TU (used with verbs) indicates an intimate, …

Spell (épelez) and write (écrivez)

In the comments section: On Vocaroo, record yourself spelling a noun or word (look for any French words in the online dictionary WordReference) and write the nouns or words spelled …

Let’s meet our three characters

The story: Lucie, Zak and John meet for the first time (it is a big building!). All of them went down at the same time to pick up a parcel …

Congratulations! (Félicitations !)

Congratulations on completing week 1! This week you have learned how to pronunce French. You are now able to greet, introduce yourself, spell, count and ask questions. You have learned …

Date of birth and age

Quel âge as-tu ? (How old are you?) J’ai dix-huit ans. (I am eighteen.) Quelle est ta date de naissance ? (What is your date of birth?) Je suis né …

Introduction to week 2

Welcome to week 2 of your French class! Last week, we got to know each other and learned how to introduce oneself. This week, we are going to learn how …

Countries – Cities

Les noms de pays: names of countries Countries are nouns. In French, very few nouns can stand alone, most of them need to be introduced by an article. As in …