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What Is Crisis for High Stakes Leaders?

A brief exploration of the Deepwater Horizon crisis provided an opportunity to appreciate the challenges of understanding the full spectrum of stakeholders that could be impacted by a crisis. As …

Module 5 Summary

Congratulations on your completion of this module on Crisis Varieties and Responses. Well done! Throughout this module, you have been introduced to the idea that different crisis types will impact …

Crisis Management: Multi-Dimensional Typologies

For some, the categorical list of crisis type differentiation doesn’t meet their specific needs. Some researchers have determined that the complexity of business today makes it very difficult to create …

Ten Categories of Political Risk

A final categorical list of crisis types comes from the book Political Risk: How Businesses and Organizations Can Anticipate Global Insecurity by Condoleezza Rice and Amy Zegart. This book was …

PwC’s Crisis Categories

Here you will find a second list of crises, which won’t be presented in as much detail as the first set. This particular list was developed not long ago by …

Nine Types of Business Crisis

The first categorical list of Crisis Types comes from the original founder of this course at Michigan Ross, Gerald Meyers. He spent a great deal of time as a senior …

Leadership in crisis: JetBlue case study

The Stakeholder Reaction model helped leaders at JetBlue predict how Customers would respond to the actions the airline would typically take ahead of a pending winter storm crisis. Hopefully, you …

Crisis management: Knowing your stakeholders

You are about to examine several examples of organizational crises that required company leaders to extract themselves from their typical day to day activities and focus their attention on what …

Leading in a Crisis: The VUCA Environment

High stakes leadership is about leading in times of crisis – when the interests of many are threatened; when the potential for significant loss is great; when there is no …