In this article, we take a look at the top CV skills employers look for and some other key elements to include.
What is a skills-based CV and do I need one?
Take a look at what a skills-based CV is, find out when to use a skills-based CV, and learn how to write one yourself.
What is the skills gap, and what can I do about it?
COVID-19 exacerbated an already growing skills gap in the rapidly-changing jobs market. Which skills are needed by which job sectors? And what does it mean for your learning and career …
Category: Career, Career Development, Current Issues, Digital Skills, General, Job Market, Upskilling, What is
What is music therapy?
Find out what music therapy is, what a music therapist does and how to get a degree in music therapy.
What is job satisfaction and why is it important?
We discuss what job satisfaction is, why it's so important, and what some of the highest rated jobs are.
Category: Career, Career Development, Job Market, What is
What is interpersonal communication and why is it important?
Understand interpersonal communication on a deeper level as we offer some top tips for communicating effectively.
Category: Career, Career Development, Personal Development, What is
An introduction to Social Listening
Social listening is vital to understanding your consumer base and tracking trends. In this article, you’ll learn how to get started.
Category: Career, Digital Skills, Upskilling, What is
What is an ExpertTrack, and how can it help my career?
With the demand for learning subscriptions on the rise in 2020, we’ve developed ExpertTracks to help people build their skills and advance their careers in 2021 and beyond. Find out …
Category: Career, Career Development, FutureLearn News, General, What is
What Is Crisis for High Stakes Leaders?
A brief exploration of the Deepwater Horizon crisis provided an opportunity to appreciate the challenges of understanding the full spectrum of stakeholders that could be impacted by a crisis. As …
What is resilience for a teacher?
Developing resilience In this article, senior lecturer, Steph Ainsworth, explores what it actually means to be a resilient new teacher. There are many definitions out there relating to the idea …
What is data analytics and why is it so important to business?
The data analytics market is expected to be worth $500billion by 2026. Find out why analytical skills are so important and how you can develop them with our new data …
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