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Consumer perception of ultra-processed foods

Visual stimuli activate certain brain areas responsible for attentional processing, appetitive behavior as well as the award center and play therefore an important role for food choices and consumption habits. …

Protein in the Diet

We have introduced the macronutrients and micronutrients required in the diet. In this article we will take a closer look at proteins, their functions as a nutrient and their sources …

End of Week Reflections

In this week, we discussed food sustainability from the perspective of the consumer. Consumers play a crucial role in the food supply chain. Their purchasing behavior influences what the food …

Food Contaminants

Food can become contaminaited in a number of ways across the entire food chain, from farm to fork. There are four main types of contamination: microbiological, chemical, physical and allergenic. …

What does sustainability mean to you?

In this week, we discussed the role of the consumer in reaching a more sustainable food system. Before we close the course we would like you to take some time …

Welcome to Week 4!

Hello and welcome to week 4. This week we will take a closer look at the role of the consumer in making safe, healthy and sustainable food choices. Over the …

Life Cycle Assessments – An Example

Kim et al. (2020) published a paper on a life cycle assessment (LCA) of dietary patterns in the United States. The authors took into account the major energy and resource …

Ultra Processed Foods and Consumer Perceptions

Food processing refers to everything that transforms raw materials into more palatable, digestible and/or nutritious food products. The main objective of food processing is to provide safe, palatable, digestible products …

Food Safety

Food is a basic human right necessary for optimal health and wellbeing. It is important that food is safe, that is, it is free from contaminants and will not cause …

Classification of food products according to NOVA

The NOVA system aims at classifying food products according to the nature, extent and purpose of industrial processing. That is, physical, biological and/or chemical alterations of the appearance and/or properties …

Food Constituents

Food is vital for optimal health and wellbeing. The human body requires adequate amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients for energy, growth and maintenance. What are macronutrients? Macronutrients are the nutrients …

Making Sustainable Food Choices

We all buy food every day. Our preferences play a powerful role in how retailers and food companies market their products; and in the development of government policies. What are …