We analyse in some detail a sample bass line for the jazz standard “Satin Doll”. You can download the chart for a “Sample Bass Line for Satin Doll” in PDF …
We look at some approaches for developing a simple bass line and then consider one for a C blues. You can download the chart for a “Sample Bass Line for …
Analysing the structure of the jazz standard “In Your Own Sweet Way”. You can download the chart for “In Your Own Sweet Way” in PDF format at the bottom of …
We consider the technique of arpeggiation or rolling chords and as an example apply it to the standard “You Took Advantage Of Me”. You can download the chart for the …
Here are some suggestions for “You Took Advantage Of Me” and “Satin Doll” Try searching Spotify or YouTube for Keith Jarrett Trio “You Took Advantage Of Me” (2001) Yesterdays Keith …
We consider different ways in which the left hand can be used in root position and meet the idea of dominant pedalling. You can download the charts for “Root Position …
We investigate suspended fourths and their resolution and extend it to a root voicing I call “Ray’s” chord. You can download the charts for “Suspended Fourth Voicings” and “Ray’s Chords” …
Please consider sharing your recordings and I particularly recommend Soundcloud for doing this. Week 2 Exercises Play and improvise on “You Took Advantage Of Me” with a solo stride piano …