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Endings and Outros

Looking at some ideas for playing endings or “outros” in root position.

Sample bass line for “Satin Doll”

We analyse in some detail a sample bass line for the jazz standard “Satin Doll”. You can download the chart for a “Sample Bass Line for Satin Doll” in PDF …

The tune “In Your Own Sweet Way”

Analysing the structure of the jazz standard “In Your Own Sweet Way”. You can download the chart for “In Your Own Sweet Way” in PDF format at the bottom of …

Question and answer

We investigate another technique which is particularly useful in root position called “question and answer”.

Viewing and Listening

Here are some suggestions for “You Took Advantage Of Me” and “Satin Doll” Try searching Spotify or YouTube for Keith Jarrett Trio “You Took Advantage Of Me” (2001) Yesterdays Keith …

Suspended Fourth and “Ray’s” chords

We investigate suspended fourths and their resolution and extend it to a root voicing I call “Ray’s” chord. You can download the charts for “Suspended Fourth Voicings” and “Ray’s Chords” …


Please consider sharing your recordings and I particularly recommend Soundcloud for doing this. Week 2 Exercises Play and improvise on “You Took Advantage Of Me” with a solo stride piano …

Learning Outcomes

At the end of Week 2 you should be able to :- Play and improvise on “You Took Advantage of Me” in the style of stride piano. Play “Satin Doll” …