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Copepods and Metabolomics

Dr Daniel Mayor, from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton discusses copepods, climate change and metabolomics. What are Copepods? Copepods are tiny crustaceans, i.e. distant relatives of crabs and lobsters, …

Hypothesis testing phase

The discovery based (hypothesis generating) experiment is the first step of the scientific study. Further studies should be performed to validate the discovery and test the hypothesis. Professor Warwick Dunn …

Discovery based studies in metabolomics

Discovery based, or also referred to as hypothesis generating studies have evolved over the past 15 years with the increase in ‘omics based studies. Hundreds to thousands of metabolites are …

Untargeted, semi-targeted and targeted analytical approaches

There are three analytical chemistry strategies applied in metabolomics – untargeted, semi-targeted and targeted. Both untargeted and semi-targeted approaches are applied in hypothesis-generating studies, while targeted assays are usually applied …

An introduction to Week 2 of the course

Dr Catherine Winder introduces the topics that will be covered in the second week of the course. Mark as complete Remember to click the Mark as complete button when you …

Q & A

Professor Mark Viant responds to your questions from Week 1.

Regulation in metabolism

The central dogma of biology provides the framework for the flow of genetic material from the gene to the transcript, protein and metabolite. However, in metabolism, metabolites act as regulators …

The advantages of studying the metabolome

Studying the metabolome is advantageous for several reasons including, The metabolome provides the closest link to the phenotype of an organism The analytical approaches are transferable across different biological systems …

Metabolism is a network

Metabolism is the collection of chemical reactions performed within a biological system to maintain life. These enzyme catalysed reactions are organised into metabolic pathways and are classified as catabolic (the …

The systems approach

In the previous steps we outlined that a biological system is constructed with biochemical components including metabolites and genes, and the biological function or phenotype is controlled by the interactions …

What is Metabolomics?

Metabolomics is a non-biased experimental approach that attempts to measure all of the metabolites in the biological sample. Metabolomics studies are often described as untargeted or discovery-based and focus on …

The development of metabolomics

Although metabolomics has reached maturity, it is the newest ‘omics technique and trails genomics and proteomics in terms of the number of publications and the current estimated market value. The …