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Organize a Jury

An evaluation session with an external jury helps to check the process, cull excess ideas, and refocus the session. To perform such a session, you should invite several experts from …

Just like going on holiday

Now that we introduce the travel metaphor to make the SiD Cycle understandable, In this video, Tom explains the connection between planning a holiday and the SiD Method to make …

Goals, vision, and indicators

As we tackled in the previous week, the first step of the SiD method consists of setting the goals for a project, determining its vision, and, usually at a later …

Introduction to Solutioning

We scan for actions we can take that help to achieve our goals, like ingredients for a meal. We then make the recipe for the meal by mapping and combining …

System Understanding overview

System Understanding System understanding comes through repeated exposure to and different ways of thinking about the system you are trying to analyze. The best ideas come to us in a …

Wrapping up week 1

Congratulations on completing Week 1! This first milestone is an occasion to celebrate what you accomplished and learned this week. This week, we have explored SiD methodology and its applications …

Systemic solutions

Starting from the top of the SNO hierarchy, we start our investigation into solutions from the highest, system, level. Creating system-level solutions requires some good planning and ideas. Achieving your …

Eureka! The Archimedes Principle

Archimedes was possibly the world’s greatest scientist — at least the greatest in the classical age. He was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor and engineer. Many of his inventions, theories …

Tips to make the most out of the course

To improve your learning experience and make sure you got the most out of the course, we prepared a small walk-through of the platform. Once you are done with a …

Talk & Reconsider

Talking ideas through with team members and other stakeholders helps a great deal in achieving multiple perspectives on the same problem. Discuss the system with others; perhaps try to explain …

Example goal sets

Case 1: Example goals for a sustainable office project The following goal set is a real-world example of a full-fledged systemic/object goal set for a highly ambitious multi-tenant office building …

Relax & Reflect

The story goes that Archimedes had been plotting on a complex math problem for days. Finally, his wife drew him a bath and forced him to relax a little. In …