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Vimala V M

Vimala V M

Early Childhood Education Enthusiast! With rich knowledge & expertise in high quality teaching and learning. Committed to developing innovative, creative, fun and engaging learning environments

Location India



  • Haven't heard of this before. Nice idea :) Thank you!

  • @SihamBouzourene As educators, we need to know what to say when. Branding a child just because we think he or she is good/bad isn't going to work in anybody's favour. So to answer your question, if we have identified what the dominant skill is, we should help children with the remaining bit of learning as well where they have a difficulty in coping. That's...

  • In my opinion, Gardner's theory summarises that people do not have just one intellectual capacity or one intelligence, but have many kinds of intelligence. While one will be dominant the remaining are still not completely dormant. Gardner's theory supports "growth mindset". Just that as we grow, we will pursue the most dominant intelligence with the help of...

  • @ShaneHatcher Thank you, Shane. Happy Learning!

  • Also let them know that if brain was not open towards new learning, one can never be multi-faceted.
    If they love cricket, give them examples from great cricketers who were also good rugby or football players. If they love science talk about how Einstein was dyslexia and later turned the world upside down by his discovery.
    You could also quote the example...

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Tell them that learning is a continual process and that it involves patience and perseverance.
    Give them real life examples of how we thought we cannot do good in a particular subject and how we tried and mastered it.
    Constantly motivate them by saying that "lets together try and make it happen".

  • Growth mindset has to be 2-way. The educator need to ensure that their gestures or verbatim are progressive and in no way hampers the innate qualities of every child to try, fail and learn. This in-turn helps the child also to understand that its not about winning or failing, all that matters is the participation - how much one understood, implemented, and...

  • My Picks.
    Develop Early:
    1. Tells teacher when they don’t understand
    2. Asks teacher why they went wrong
    16. Asks inquisitive but general questions

    11. Checks teacher’s work for errors; offers corrections
    10. Explains purposes and results

    Approach to developing one of the advanced behaviours:
    10. Explains purposes and result
    If our...

  • The ability to articulate questions and the quest for logical answers!

  • Create a positive environment for children to try and re-try until they get it right. A fear of trying should never be allowed as fear once induced for trying and failing will hamper the entire learning process and children will no longer be in a positive mind frame to try anything again in future. Inducing fear on failure will also create a negative...

  • I really liked this part:
    "It seems to be more successful to leave out the last step rather than the first step, and then progressively to withdraw the guidance from the end of the process so the students are having to complete them themselves"

    This can help us gradually and systematically withdraw scaffolding without hampering the learning process.

  • I have not handled high school but below are my thoughts.

    If it is a new topic that was picked up for the day, I personally feel this would be less effective as these can put a lot of pressure on children especially with the complexities of terminologies and functionalities of "heart". I would rather do this may be after I am done introducing the topic and...

  • Loved to see the "True or False" sorting for Maths. I have not personally seen this being used in a classroom and it was interesting to know and understand how scaffolding can be enabled through this. Loved the resources given to prove. It made a lot of sense to me. Differentiation was also possible through this method. Children were able to reason out with...

  • "Modelling" was my pick. Along with that we also use "Visuals and realia".

  • Chunking along with visual cues really help Early Learners associate and learn. This might take a little longer duration to finish a lesson plan but is very effective as the concept once introduced stays in them for long. We also use past references to connect to new concepts whenever there is a connection possible. Have specific relevant open-ended questions...

  • We provide individual materials for children to explore more like hands-on experiential learning. This can be achieved only through scaffolding and the peers taking turns becoming MKOs even without them actually knowing that they are helping their peers out. This is possible only by providing a conducive positive environment for children to explore, influence...

  • I always had issues memorising things. Reproducing poems while in school was a herculean task for me.
    1. What factors helped?
    Breaking them into short concepts and stories. In fact, this idea was that of my dad and it actually helped me learn them at ease without having the pressure of just memorising.
    2. Was a particular event or piece of support...

  • Thank you @AlessioBernardelli for responding.
    The children are between 1.5 to 2.5 years in one classroom, and 2.5 to 3.5 years in another. There is a huge difference in developmental milestones when we have a range of 1 year within a classroom. We tend to motivate all and address any additional support the child might want but then one single strategy doesn't...

  • Agree. Thank you.

  • Very True!
    As an educator we need to reflect on the experiences of lesson plan implementation, and also analyse its effectiveness.

  • "Everyone can develop knowledge, understanding and skills" and "All students need to be challenged in their thinking in order to learn", is what making a positive progressive learning environment. As a educator we all strive for this.
    "All learners in the classroom need to be motivated to learn", this is doable yet very tricky. Since all of us are unique,...

  • Differentiation is foreseeing the student needs in the learning environment and effectively adapting teaching techniques to accommodate it. Differentiation is not dividing the learning environment based on abilities.
    Differentiation helps build a progressive classroom thereby enabling positive learning environment.

  • I am into Early Education and I am keen to explore various ways of learning and development. Differentiation is one of them, and through this course I am looking forward to further enhance my knowledge on it.

  • Teacher kept prompting and connecting.

  • My top picks:
    Adapt Teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
    Personal and Professional conduct
    Promote good progress and outcomes by pupil

  • I would still say it was my Kindergarten teacher as they were next to mothers taking care of all of us.

  • A good teacher is one who understands the fundamental thing that all children are unique, and hence, they have their own pace of learning. This means that a teacher has to be adaptive to a child's need while ensuring that the classroom engagement is positive and has provisions for hands-on exploration.

  • Looking forward to acquire a deeper knowledge on teaching. Happy knowing you all.

  • I am an Early Learning Enthusiast. Would love to get more insights on the nuances of teaching.

  • To get more insight on how to make the learning environment more meaningful and engaging!

  • Having finished the three other courses on Neuroscience, I am very keen on knowing, "How we can create optimal learning experiences to help tune each and every child's brains to adapt to learning better."

  • Take-away:
    "A calm amygdala allows the prefrontal cortex (executive thinking) to take precedence and activate emotional intelligence which is key to a healthy working/learning environment. An understanding of emotional intelligence needs to be translated into our leadership role by providing an environment where the people we lead are enthusiastic to learn...

  • Focus more on promoting an environment of eustress and not add any "stress"

  • Take-away
    "The contribution educators can make is to organise knowledge gained from neuroscience to effect change in the classroom. This includes knowledge about neuroplasticity, the way in which the brain and the environment interact, and the efficacy of reflective practice."

  • Take-away
    "Social interactions, consciousness, religion, moral, or artistic appraisal are just a few of the many topics that are currently being possible to be objectively approached thank to the development of these techniques."
    "Overall, there is no cognition without emotion, as supported by neuroscientific evidence (Pessoa, 2013), and a correct balanced...

  • Once we provide a place where people feel safe, secure and can trust, it creates a positive environment. This definitely can calm amygdala and in turn help us be more productive.

  • Take-away:
    “the more inspirational leaders who display more coherence in the brain are the ones who engage all so much better with others because they have higher levels of empathy they display more emotion and social intelligence"

  • Take-away:
    "Neuroleadership is a skill. It can be learnt by practising helping each other and learning to take care of others first (Sinek, 2018)." "Leadership is also about accountability and helping others".

  • Interesting! " To manage fear is to tell our amygdala to be calm"

  • Understanding of brain can give us an insight of our our own behavioural patterns thereby allowing us to act or talk accordingly in a effective way. This can in turn make the world a beautiful place to live in.

  • Keen to explore Neuroscience and its implications to Education.

  • Thank you for the additional reading resources. It was of great help!

  • Help children gain interest in the subject by adapting to various creative strategies and learning aids. Get more creative by attaching the content of the concept to a story, a logical sequence, etc that can help them retain the concept thereby not rote learning.

  • I personally feel that the whole trauma that people around us create for even a small failure is what creates "Bad Stress". If only everybody was told that its fine to fail as long as we fail to learn/overcome that situation to get back even stronger; never to fail again in that particular thing! Even exams, had it not had the tag of failure, children would...

  • Interesting!

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Interesting Week 1!

  • Recall is a subset of Retrieval. There are different ways to get information back from our memory. Retrieval is important to do almost everything that we regularly do. Recalling happens mostly without any cues as its more innate.

  • Giving children exposure to hands-on experiential learning can make them have maximum retrievals from the long-term memory thereby making learning more effective.

  • "The key finding here is that we can induce or consolidate memory through repetition or exposure to experience." Learning and unlearning is of great possibility is what educators have as take-away!

  • Well, balanced diet, and mentally/physically being active with a routine can help improve and maintain the brain health

  • Once the outcomes of these discoveries are clearly defined, educators can try implementing the best practices to make the learning environment more joyful for each child.

  • Curious to understand the various aspects of Educational Neuroscience.

  • Going to be an interesting discovery!

  • I am an Early Education Enthusiast. I am keen on exploring more about inclusion.

  • Thank you! It was insightful :)

  • Positive nurturing environment
    Create optimal learning environments
    Build trusting relationships
    Provides emotional security
    Threats or distress can hamper brain development
    Eustress or Alertness helps motivate students with positive excitement and focused attention

  • We need to believe first that "With repeated and directed attention towards one's desired change, everybody can rewire their brain." Our belief should go in actions then. Once we get to a consensus with this theory, it's easier to implement it in the classroom too.
    This understanding of neuroplasticity can help educators not to give up on any child, and not...

  • Every educator needs to keep in mind that "one-size-fits-all model of education" fails. Every child is unique and hence, educators should adapt to provide a conducive supportive learning environment that allows explorations through play.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Is technology a boon or bane, is a never-ending argument.
    When it comes to early learners, I personally believe that technology can hamper the brain. What social relationships can teach or mould children into, technology cannot. Technology cannot offer all domains of development. For example: How can social/sensory/dexterity/motor skills be given without...

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Would like to quote" Louis Cozolino" here that can substantiate why mobile phones or any social media mediums can deteriorate our brain's functionality to relate to humans.
    "Our brains require stimulation and connection to survive and thrive. A brain without connection to other brains and without sufficient challenge will shrink and eventually die—moreover,...

  • Early learning is powerful. Fear and stress impair learning. The brain has a short attention span and needs repetition and multiple-channel processing for deeper learning to occur. The mind, brain, and body are interwoven.

    All of these lead to one inference:
    A positive conducive environment provided to a child along with hands-on experiential explorations...

  • Since our brain can socialise and emote to others brain, it helps in collaborations. These collaborations are in turn with so many diverse individuals that each of them has a capability of teaching you something new. It thereby helps each of us to overcome our weaknesses. This also brings in happiness and can make you smarter and more productive.

  • This helps to substantiate the fact that positive learning environment is what can bring the best out of each child.

  • I am Vimala, an early education enthusiast. I am curious to learn and explore the adaptation and development of our brain to facilitate learning experiences better.

  • Thank you!

  • If your understanding is right and if you have a good guidance from pedagogy experts, you can rely on "Contextually with non-commercial product". This involves educators making materials that can be tailor-made to suit the average children in their classroom.
    Generally schools prefer Commercial products because they are easily available to buy and adopt. I...

  • As written in my earlier comments, Hands-on experiential learning are very effective as it involves activities for children to do and learn. When these are done in a play-based way, children learn stress free in their own pace. Intrinsically they explore thereby trying, failing, retrying and eventually becoming successful.

  • Flashcards that do not have any other element than the word we are discussing is much for clearer for a child to comprehend. It should be kept simple and plain.

  • Bob books. Rhymes.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Great exercise!

  • Hands-on experiential learning involves activities for children to do and learn. When these are done in a play-based way, children learn stress free in their own pace. Intrinsically they explore thereby trying, failing, retrying and eventually becoming successful.

  • We use the Montessori phonetics along with flashcards and claps methodology. We also have beginning sound songs/rhymes for children to correlate. We introduce sight words too.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    A play-based, child-initiated model.
    We are already following that and it is giving good results in terms of a child's learning & development.

  • Informative week!

  • There isn't any debate over teaching phonics. We follow the introduction to sounds through play-way method.

  • Authorities should have a broader governance on what needs to be covered. How it needs to be implemented should be up to the educator's creativity. The reason why I feel educators should be given a freehand in implementation is because we do not have one specific age in a classroom. We will have children in a range of age group (2.5 to 3.5 years or 3.5 to 4.5...

  • Haven't seen doing such an activity like this before. Good one to adopt to.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Unicorn was tricky especially the i :)

  • Activity was actually engaging. Educator gave few connections before she gave the tricks. As an adult we are able to draw these connections better, can imagine how challenging it would be for the children when they are just introduced to these sounds

  • Contextually through play, as they are around 1.5 to 3 years old.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    Phonics is an ocean. Only through practice, one can acquire the skills to read, write and speak without errors. Combination of oral, and reading exercises can help us master the correlation between graphemes and phonemes

  • To decode any language, you need to understand its basic formation of sounds and letters. Phonics is nothing but a way of understanding the structure of each sound so as to comprehend how to recollect and reproduce at the time of speaking, writing or reading.

  • Looking forward to get to know more about how to effectively introduce phonics to young learners.

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    This course helped me reinforce my knowledge on Early Education! Thank you :)

  • To sum up, play is the finest form of learning anything. Give ample opportunities to explore ad learn. Never force them to speak, read or write. Develop their liking for the language through play and with the help of other classroom resources. Contextual relevance helps children learn better!

  • Good one!
    Magical moments, assessments, how to reflect on language learning through various activities... Interesting!

  • Agree with James that not all things can be measured through assessments. There are both quantitative and qualitative things to be looked at while assessing any child.

  • It starts with listening, then reproducing/attempting to use vocabulary, then recognise alphabets in terms of pre-reading activities, then expose them to pre-writing activities. Every child is unique so we can't give a clear start date of when they will start reading or writing. But then what we can do is enable them with enough activities that can stimulate...

  • Every activity planned has to be connected to the expected outcomes that we would like to achieve. When English is the focus, then while planning we need to take care of how the implementation in classroom is going to be. For example:
    Story Time: How should eb present this story to enhance their vocabulary. Should I use props, or enact or make use of...

  • Parents are collaborators in child's learning. Parent have to share any new attempts that the child made at home in continuation to the classes, any new words picked up, if the child tried humming a rhymes tune, usage of thank you and please, and anything that the child responds where the parent can see a reflection of school. They have to keep the educator...

  • At early years, assessment is your observation record!

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    With young toddlers we get to witness a lot of magical moments day in and day out.. Be it them relating to the concepts taught, rhymes learned, words picked up, its all a happy moment for an educator.

  • What did they already know as against what they know now... A comparative study that lets an educator observe on the minutest details of a child's learning or action is what a progressive evaluation is all about. Celebrating every little milestone that a child achieves is very important as it boosts a child's self-confidence. And, to celebrate that we as...

  • Both verbal and non-verbal responses should be taken into account while evaluating children on their progress!

  • Vimala V M made a comment

    We need to have an observation book with enough notes on the day to day activities of the children. This can then reflect into assessments that can help the educators understand where they really need to work with , the progress areas, areas that needs improvement or intervention.

  • Children tend to develop self-image, and self-concepts by the way they perceive how the world sees them. It’s important for them to realise and appreciate the differences they see around them, and value everyone for their cultural diversities that they bring in.. Only this realisation and appreciation helps child grow into unbiased individuals, and also help...

  • Everything listed is appropriate but my top picks are:
    1. Provide optimal conditions for rich play: space, time, flexible resources, choice, control, warm and supportive relationships.
    2. Incorporate recognisable and predictable routines to help children to predict and make connections in their experiences.
    3. Ensure children have uninterrupted time to play...

  • Learning is directly proportional to the environment. A positive atmosphere enhances a child's natural curiosity to explore and learn. So its very important for us to create that positive surrounding that can stimulate skill development.

  • Every institution should have a form that can capture the child's detail. This should capture, the likes & dislikes, favourite food, colour, rhyme, toy, any fears they have, people at home, sibling information and anything and everything that can help one understand the child better much before the child's first day. This helps in transitioning. This is not...

  • A routine is being followed and children are used to that routine. They have taken the educator into confidence and were responding well to the goodbye routine by smiling and responding. Such things help children to navigate through their learning & development with ease