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How is COPD Diagnosed?

The pathways to the diagnosis of COPD are outlined as follows: COPD Diagnosis Supported Investigation X-ray chest High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) Sputum for AFB History taking: This includes symptoms, and …

Prevention: Smoking cessation

2. Prevention of disease progression and exacerbation 2.1. Smoking cessation Primary healthcare professionals have a unique position in helping smokers to quit. A clear, personalised, motivational, non-judgemental style during consultations …

Relief of symptoms

Bronchodilators: Inhaled bronchodilators are central to symptom management in COPD and are the most common inhalers prescribed to reduce symptoms. Based on the severity assessment of COPD, there are two …

COVID-19 resources

2020 has been an extraordinary year and one in which respiratory diseases and breathlessness have generated a significant level of interest. This course has focused on chronic respiratory diseases, their …

Risk factors of COPD

Common risk factors Tobacco smoking is the most common risk factor for COPD worldwide. Approximately 20% of smokers develop this disease. Indoor air pollution from biomass fuel used for cooking …

Outline of possible symptoms

Lets look at some of the areas you might explore in order to identify the problem. For each of the symptoms you will want to know how long it has …

Could it be Tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by a bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly attacks the lungs. The disease is airborne and is spread by infected persons who …

Meet the team

Team member Bio Professor Hilary Pinnock is Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, University of Edinburgh and a family doctor in Whitstable, Kent. Her research interests include the delivery of …

IPCRG webinar series

Luke Daines and Jim Stout look into the challenges of diagnosing asthma in adults and children and the added complexity of the COVID-19 pandemic in their webinar: COVID-19 & the …

Treatment of exacerbations

(Image: © The University of Edinburgh (2020) CC BY-SA 4.0) A COPD exacerbation (or attack) is an acute worsening of respiratory symptoms that requires additional therapy. They are classified as …


This week, we will explore other respiratory diseases which you might encounter as a healthcare worker. There are a number of other respiratory diseases that may have similar characteristics to …

Case study part 3

Mr Rahman’s wife informs you that he used to go to the market (2 kilometres away from his home) every day to meet with his friends and attend social events. …

Asthma action plan

There is good evidence that people with asthma can be supported to manage their condition if they have a clear action plan and access to regular reviews with a healthcare …